TEHNIKA: GOODYEAROVE GUME BUDUĆNOSTI će čistiti zrak i dobiti vlastitu pamet

Noviteti koje je nedavno prikazao gumarski gigant Goodyear – neki spremni za serijsku proizvodnju, neki još vizije – ukazuju na smjer evolucije guma u bliskoj budućnosti. Fokus više nije isključivo na performanse guma, već bi one uskoro mogle dobiti neke sasvim nove uloge
 Profimedia, Ferrari

Zapravo smo svi toga svjesni, no jedostavno o tome ne razmišljamo dok svakodnevno koristimo svoje automobile; cjelokopna površina preko koje automobil ostvaruje kontakt s podlogom velika je otprilike kao četiri dlana. A o kvaliteti tog dodira ovisi praktički sve: kako će automobil krenuti, kako će skretati, kako će se zaustaviti, ali i koliko će biti tih i udoban te koliko će goriva trošiti. Priznali ili ne, više smo fokusirani na performanse motora, veličinu kočnica ili izvedbu podvozja, a manje na gume koje u konačnici moraju 'ugristi' cestu da bi se potencijal svega toga i realizirao.

Ferrari Press Agency   
Ref 8986 
Oyygene 1
See Ferrari text 
Picture MUST credit : Goodyear

A car tyre that cleans up air pollution on the road b—thanks to moss used in the construction.It would be able to take in harmful CO2 emissions and turn them into oxygen.The tread itself is made of recycled rubber  making the Oxygene by tyre company Goodyear the ultimate eco-friendly car accessory.A spokesman said:” The Oxygene  quite literally brings the future of mobility to life as a visionary solution for cleaner, more convenient, safer and more sustainable urban mobility.”Moss is planted inside the tyre sidewall.It then uses photosynthesis to draw in the gases harmful to humans while giving off cleaner air.The tyre also offers a number of other notable features. The design includes moisture-absorbing treads which help to provide grip on wet ground and  draw up water from the street and distribute it to the moss. Goodyear reckons that if 2.5 million vehicles drove around with the Oxygene tires in a city as populated and busy as Paris, the tyres would absorb over 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and emitting 3,000 tonnes of oxygen a year.The Oxygene is non pneumatic so does not need pumping and is not susceptible to punctures.It would be3D printed with  a lightweight construction, shock-and absorbing properties and let  drivers benefit from a longer-lasting tire life and less servicing.Goodyear says the tyre would also be capable of generating enough power through the photosynthesis process to keep sensors in an AI processing unit powered.This is a customizable light strip located on the sidewall.It changes colour to alert drivers and pedestrians of the car’s movement.It is also equipped with something Goodyear call a  visible light communications system .This enables the tyre to connect to other vehicles ,road infrastructures and transport data exchange points at the speed of light. This high-powered connectivity system could help to improve road safety
Profimedia, Ferrari

Srećom, proizvođači guma toga su i te kako svjesni i neprestano u razvoj ulažu golema sredstva. Ako sumnjate u napredak, prelistajte stare brojeve automobilskih magazina ako ih negdje čuvate, potražite neki test guma od prije 10 ili 20 godina i usporedite puteve kočenja i ostale izmjerene vrijednosti s današnjima. Tek ćete tada shvatiti kolika su postignuća. Ali tu nije kraj. Kako se čini, uz daljnje poboljšanje performansi, proizvođači će gume prilagođavati novim vrstama pogona koje su već tu, a bit će sve prisutnije u skoroj budućnosti, a dobit će i neke sasvim nove uloge. Tri noviteta koja je nedavno prikazao Goodyear dolaze u rasponu od logične evolucije do gotovo znanstvene fantastike. Više o njima pročitajte u nastavku i ne zaboravite da dokle god automobili ne budu letjeli, gume ostaju jedini kontakt s podlogom.


Guma koju će obožavati upravitelji voznih parkova

S obzirom da se očekuje kako će u budućnosti sve manje automobila biti u privatnom vlasništvu, a sve više u nekom obliku upravljanog voznog parka, onome tko je odgovoran za taj park od presudne je važnosti svaka informacija o stanju vozila, pa tako i njegovih guma. Goodyear je razvio prototip inteligentne gume s pripadajućim informatičkim sustavom, koja ima mogućnost u realnom vremenu razmjenjivati podatke o svojem stanju, istrošenosti i potencijalnim problemima, kako bi upravitelj voznog parka točno znao kada pojedino vozilo treba pozvati na popravak ili zamjenu guma. Vrlo učinkovito i ekonomično.

Good Year

Good Year


Guma u kojoj ima života, diše i ne može se probušiti

Ovo uistinu zvuči kao znanstvena fantastika; konceptna guma Oxygene ne samo što se ne puni zrakom, već u svojim bokovima sadrži živu mahovinu. Ova pak s ceste uzima vlagu, a iz zraka ugljični dioksid, kako bi kroz fotosintezu stvarala kisik i oslobađala ga u atmosferu. Čudima tu nije kraj, jer Oxygene nije pneumatik – ne puni se zrakom – već je njena elastična konstrukcija stvorena 3D printingom praha recikliranih guma, pa se ne može ispuhati ili probušiti. Povrh svega, guma s okolinom i tzv. ‘Internetom stvari’, ali i s drugim vozilima, komunicira putem svjetlosti (dakle, i brzinom svjetlosti), a električnu energiju za tu komunikaciju dobiva iz fotosinteze u mahovini, istoj onoj koja proizvodi kisik. Također, guma je u stanju sa svojih bokova emitirati svjetlosne signale pri npr. skretanju, promjeni voznog traka ili kočenju, upozoravajući tako druge sudionike u prometu. Premda se sve ovo doima kao neka SF-vizija, u Goodyearu vjeruju da će to biti sasvim uobičajeno već sredinom ovog stoljeća.

Ferrari Press Agency   
Ref 8986	 
Oyygene 1		
See Ferrari text 
Picture MUST credit : Goodyear

A car tyre that cleans up air pollution on the road b—thanks to moss used in the construction.It would be able to take in harmful CO2 emissions and turn them into oxygen.The tread itself is made of recycled rubber  making the Oxygene by tyre company Goodyear the ultimate eco-friendly car accessory.A spokesman said:” The Oxygene  quite literally brings the future of mobility to life as a visionary solution for cleaner, more convenient, safer and more sustainable urban mobility.”Moss is planted inside the tyre sidewall.It then uses photosynthesis to draw in the gases harmful to humans while giving off cleaner air.The tyre also offers a number of other notable features. The design includes moisture-absorbing treads which help to provide grip on wet ground and  draw up water from the street and distribute it to the moss. Goodyear reckons that if 2.5 million vehicles drove around with the Oxygene tires in a city as populated and busy as Paris, the tyres would absorb over 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and emitting 3,000 tonnes of oxygen a year.The Oxygene is non pneumatic so does not need pumping and is not susceptible to punctures.It would be3D printed with  a lightweight construction, shock-and absorbing properties and let  drivers benefit from a longer-lasting tire life and less servicing.Goodyear says the tyre would also be capable of generating enough power through the photosynthesis process to keep sensors in an AI processing unit powered.This is a customizable light strip located on the sidewall.It changes colour to alert drivers and pedestrians of the car’s movement.It is also equipped with something Goodyear call a  visible light communications system .This enables the tyre to connect to other vehicles ,road infrastructures and transport data exchange points at the speed of light. This high-powered connectivity system could help to improve road safety and improve driving efficiency.It means vehicles could communicate and pass on warnings about adverse weather or traffic jams, for example.The Oxygene was presented at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show.Goodyear Europe, Middle East and Africa president Chris Delaney said: “Like the concept designs Goodyear has presented, Oxygene is meant to challenge our thinking and help drive the debate around smart, safe, and sustainable future mobility.“By contributing in this way to cleaner air generation, the tire could help enhance quality of life and health for city-dwellers.“With more than two-thirds of the world population expected to live in cities by 2050, the demands on transport networks in urban environments will increase substantially. “Smarter, greener infrastructure and transport will be crucial in addressing the most pressing challenges of urban mobility and development.”
OPS: The Goodyear Oxygene concept tyre with moss growing within
Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 365400669, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Profimedia, Ferrari


Konstrukcijom i performansama prilagođena značajkama električnih vozila

Rezultati internih testova bili su jasni i nedvosmisleni – obične gume na električnim automobilima traju 30 posto kraće zbog veće mase vozila i drugačije karakteristike okretnog momenta koji stiže do kotača. Zato je Goodyear razvio posebnu gumu namijenjenu električnim automobilima, koja je konstrukcijom prilagođena većoj masi, a promijenjena smjesa i tanje lamele omogućavaju da se gazni sloj pod navalom okretnog momenta ne troši toliko brzo. Dodatno je smanjen i otpor kotrljanja, kako bi i dalje ograničen doseg elektro-pogona bio barem nešto veći. U prodaji bi se ove gume mogle naći već iduće godine.

Good Year

Good Year

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07. ožujak 2025 19:49