FOTO: BOLJEG POZERA OD NJEGA JEDNOSTAVNO - NEMA! Mladunče tuljana 'mahnulo' kameri i odmah postalo viralni hit: 'Pa ovo je ilegalno koliko je slatko!'


Svake godine, u razdoblju od studenoga do siječnja, stotine sivih tuljana doplivaju na njemački otok Helgoland u Sjevernome moru kako bi ženke ondje na svijet donijele svoju mladunčad.

"Bebe tuljani" sisaju do trećega tjedna života, a poslije toga već počinje njihovo osamostaljenje.

I ove zime na obalama Helgolanda snimljeni su brojni preslatki mladunci, no jedan se itekako uspio izdvojiti iz mase i postati pravi viralni hit.

Naime, fotografija zaigranog tuljana koji se valja u pijesku i pritom kao da "maše" fotografu koji ga je "uhvatio" svojim objektivom raznježila je javnost.

- Pa ilegalno je sladak! - komentirali su mnogi.

Inače, od 13. studenoga do 26. prosinca 2019. godine na njemačkom Helgolandu zabilježena su 524 okota sivih tuljana.

TOPSHOT - A young grey seal gestures as it lies on a beach on the North Sea island of Helgoland, Germany, on January 5, 2020. - Hundreds of Grey Seals use the island to give birth to their pups, usually between the months of November and January. The pups, after 3 weeks of nursing, are then left to fend for themselves. 524 grey seal births have been recorded in the period from November 13 to December 26, 2019. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)

A female grey seal (R) interacts with her pup on the north Sea island of Helgoland, Germany, on January 4, 2020. - Hundreds of Grey Seals use the island to give birth to their pups, usually between the months of November and January. The pups, after 3 weeks of nursing, are then left to fend for themselves. 524 grey seal births have been recorded in the period from November 13 to December 26, 2019. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)

A male grey seal gestures as visitors walk on the beach on the north Sea island of Helgoland, Germany, on January 4, 2020. - Hundreds of Grey Seals use the island to give birth to their pups, usually between the months of November and January. The pups, after 3 weeks of nursing, are then left to fend for themselves. 524 grey seal births have been recorded in the period from November 13 to December 26, 2019. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)

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03. ožujak 2025 23:28