FOTO: NITKO JE NIJE HTIO UDOMITI ZBOG - OBRVA! Volonteri: 'Mislili smo da se netko ružno našalio s njom i obojio je, prali smo je, ali uzalud...'

 Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia

Nakon što su na ulici na periferiji ruskog grada Bratska u istočnom Sibiru pokupili petomjesečno štene, volonteri su ga smjestili u sklonište za napuštene životinje Dobrie Ruki.

Kako je objavio portal Siberian Times, psića su ondje prvo temeljito oprali - naime, svi su mislili kako se netko ružno našalio s nesretnom životinjicom obojivši joj obrve.

A stray puppy with human-like eyebrows  is rapidly becoming Russia’s top dog after she was initially rejected by would-be owners as “weird”. Five month old Betty was found wandering the streets of a Siberian city and animal shelter staff gave her a “good wash” thinking the markings were painted on her as a “cruel joke”., Image: 483454423, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia
Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia

- Dugo radim ovdje u skloništu, ali nikad nisam vidjela nešto slično - rekla je volonterka Olesya Novopoltseva.

Lokalna veterinarka Nadezhda Grozetskaya pregledala je kujicu i ustvrdila kako je malena potpuno zdrava, a za njezine upečatljive obrve "okrivila" je "majku prirodu" i neobičnu pigmentaciju, koja se, dodala je, može pojaviti i u sljedećoj generaciji pasa, tj. kod njezinih potomaka.

- Dlaka iznad očiju s godinama bi mogla postati malo svjetlija, ali nikad neće nestati - objasnila je veterinarka.

A stray puppy with human-like eyebrows  is rapidly becoming Russia’s top dog after she was initially rejected by would-be owners as “weird”. Five month old Betty was found wandering the streets of a Siberian city and animal shelter staff gave her a “good wash” thinking the markings were painted on her as a “cruel joke”., Image: 483454349, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia
Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia

Štene je odmah dobilo nadimak Frida, a kako i ne bi, kad je mnoge podsjetilo na meksičku slikaricu Fridu Kahlo, koja je također imala prepoznatljive tamne i guste obrve!

No upravo zbog njih ovoj kujici nitko nije poželio pružiti dom. Potencijalni udomitelji zaobilazili su je u širokom luku jer im je izgledala - previše čudno.

A stray puppy with human-like eyebrows  is rapidly becoming Russia’s top dog after she was initially rejected by would-be owners as “weird”. Five month old Betty was found wandering the streets of a Siberian city and animal shelter staff gave her a “good wash” thinking the markings were painted on her as a “cruel joke”., Image: 483454339, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia
Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia

A onda je njezin oglas za udomljavanje vidjela Oksana.

- Sažalila sam se nad njom i odlučila je uzeti. Dugo je čekala u skloništu i to me jako rastužilo. Dala sam joj novo ime - Betty. Nevjerojatno je pametna i odmah se sprijateljila s mojom 17-godišnjom mačkom - ponosno govori vlasnica.

Kujica neobičnih obrva u međuvremenu je postala prava zvijezda na društvenim mrežama, a gostovala je i na ruskoj televiziji.

A stray puppy with human-like eyebrows  is rapidly becoming Russia’s top dog after she was initially rejected by would-be owners as “weird”. Five month old Betty was found wandering the streets of a Siberian city and animal shelter staff gave her a “good wash” thinking the markings were painted on her as a “cruel joke”., Image: 483454370, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia
Oksana Maymsina / East2West News / Profimedia

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19. veljača 2025 07:56