FOTO: SMRT ZBOG JEDNOG ČIPSA Muškarac pod istragom jer je naočigled odraslih i djece umlatio galeba koji mu je ukrao čips s tanjura

 Profimedia, Caters News

Neimenovani muškarac nalazi se pod istragom nakon što je zatukao nemoćnog galeba na smrt, jer mu je iz tanjura ukrao jedan komadić čipsa. Pticu je napao u četvrtak oko pola šest sati poslijepodne naočigled ljudi koji su promatrali u šoku.

Rachael Beer (40) ispričala je za Metro kako je vidjela muškarca, koji je jeo u restoranu u gradu Weston-super-Mare na engleskoj obali, da hvata galeba za noge i udara s njim o zid jer mu je uzeo čips s tanjura. Njegovu je agresiju snimila i objavila na društvenim mrežama, a potom javila i organizaciji za zaštitu životinja RSPCA koja istražuje slučaj.

Rachael, koja već dugi niz godina ima mali dućan na obali, kaže: ‘Čula sam galeba kako je zaurlao, a potom ukrao čips čovjeku s tanjura. On ga je iznenada zgrabio za noge i udario s njim o zid. Mislim da mu je jedna mama doviknula i pitala ga zašto to radi pred njenim djetetom. On je odgovorio da je galeb štetočina i da bi trebala naučili djecu o štetočinama. Bila sam u šoku jer je on upravo pokušao ubiti galeba. Slikala sam životinju, a onda i njega. Pitala sam ga zašto je to napravio, no on je samo slegnuo ramenima i otišao.’

(Pictured: A cruel man has killed a seagull in Weston-super mare. The bird was grabbed by his feet and swung violently against a wall by the man pictured over a single chip the seagull had taken from his plate.) - A woman has described the shocking moment a man attacked a seagull at a popular seaside resort and left it for dead. The incident on July 17 took place on Weston-super-Mares popular seafront around 5.30pm. Eyewitness Rachael Beer, 40, said the seagull dived from the sky and took a chip from the plate of a man who was eating at one of the seafronts popular cafes. Rachael, manager of Luigis Sweet and Rock shop said: I saw a seagull squawking and then taking a chip from a mans plate. I then saw him grabbing it by its feet and  swinging it against the wall. Rachael says that despite the blow, the seagull hadnt been killed outright. ., Image: 378441543, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Nasilnik snimljen nakon napada na galeba

Unatoč tome što je s njim snažno udario u zid, galeb nije odmah uginuo, no veterinar ga je morao uspavati zbog težine ozljeda.

‘Galeb nije odmah uginuo. Vidjeli smo kako mu se oči trzaju. Na svu sreću prolaznik ga je odvezao do veterinara. Galebovi znaju raditi probleme, ali ovakvo ubijanje životinje je jednostavno pogrešno’, dodala je Rachael.

(Pictured: A cruel man has killed a seagull in Weston-super mare. The bird was grabbed by his feet and swung violently against a wall by the man pictured over a single chip the seagull had taken from his plate.) - A woman has described the shocking moment a man attacked a seagull at a popular seaside resort and left it for dead. The incident on July 17 took place on Weston-super-Mares popular seafront around 5.30pm. Eyewitness Rachael Beer, 40, said the seagull dived from the sky and took a chip from the plate of a man who was eating at one of the seafronts popular cafes. Rachael, manager of Luigis Sweet and Rock shop said: I saw a seagull squawking and then taking a chip from a mans plate. I then saw him grabbing it by its feet and  swinging it against the wall. Rachael says that despite the blow, the seagull hadnt been killed outright. ., Image: 378441465, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Svjedokinja napada Rachael Beer snimila je umirućeg galeba

Rekla je da ovdje vodi dućan već dugi niz godina i da nikad nije vidjela nešto tako okrutno.

Glasnogovornik RSPCA je rekao: ‘Ovo je šokantan incident i posve neprihvatljivo ponašanje prema životinjama. Svjedoci napada su sigurno bili jako uzrujani. Zahvalni smo ljudima koji su uspjeli odvesti galeba veterinaru, barem više nije morao patiti. Molimo sve koji imaju bilo kakvu informaciju o ovom napadu, da nam se jave.’

(Pictured: A cruel man has killed a seagull in Weston-super mare. The bird was grabbed by his feet and swung violently against a wall by the man pictured over a single chip the seagull had taken from his plate.) - A woman has described the shocking moment a man attacked a seagull at a popular seaside resort and left it for dead. The incident on July 17 took place on Weston-super-Mares popular seafront around 5.30pm. Eyewitness Rachael Beer, 40, said the seagull dived from the sky and took a chip from the plate of a man who was eating at one of the seafronts popular cafes. Rachael, manager of Luigis Sweet and Rock shop said: I saw a seagull squawking and then taking a chip from a mans plate. I then saw him grabbing it by its feet and  swinging it against the wall. Rachael says that despite the blow, the seagull hadnt been killed outright. ., Image: 378441487, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Nasilnik snimljen nakon napada na galeba

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19. veljača 2025 18:05