FOTO, VIDEO: PRVI PUT NAKON VIŠE OD STO GODINA SNIMLJENA MITSKA ŽIVOTINJA Skrivene kamere u divljini Afrike uhvatile mladu ženku crnog leoparda

 Profimedia, Caters News

Znanstvena se zajednica na svu sreću ne zamara praznovjerjima pa su nedavnu rijetku snimku crnog leoparda iz središnje Kenije dočekali s oduševljenjem. Biolog Nick Pilfold i njegov tim čuli su da je na tom području uočen primjerak ove životinje pa su u divljini rezervata Loisaba u okrugu Laikipia postavili skrivene kamere početkom prošle godine.

Trud im se isplatio i uskoro su dobili dokaz doista rijetkog crnog leoparda. Mlada ženka bila je u pratnji velike leopardice, uobičajenih šara, za koju se pretpostavlja da joj je majka, piše National Geographic.

Za razliku od albinizma, melanizam je prekomjerna pigmentacija zbog koje boja dlake ili kože životinja izgleda tamnije nego što inače jest, gotovo crno, a kod mačaka je uglavnom rezultat genske mutacije. Već se desetljećima u Keniji povremeno javi netko tko je vidio crnog leoparda, no stvarni i znanstveni dokazi su vrlo rijetki.

Otkriće je objavljeno krajem siječnja ove godine u znanstvenom časopisu African Journal of Ecology, a fotografije predstavljaju prvi dokumentirani dokaz o ovim životinjama u Africi u posljednjih gotovo sto godina. Dosad je jedan jedini susret potvrđen, i to fotografijom iz 1909. godine, snimljenoj u Addis Ababi u Etiopiji, pohranjenoj u Prirodoslovnom muzeju u Washingtonu.

- (PICTURED the black panther) A rare black panther has emerged to find its prey as it lurks under the African nights sky. Will Burrad-Lucas, 35, from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, took the phenomenal photos at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya, last month. The wildlife photographer took the images using a Camtraptions Camera Trap - a camera which has a motion sensor to detect when something is there. The high quality system made it possible to see the majestic black panther, despite it being dark., Image: 413197810, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED the black panther) A rare black panther has emerged to find its prey as it lurks under the African nights sky. Will Burrad-Lucas, 35, from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, took the phenomenal photos at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya, last month. The wildlife photographer took the images using a Camtraptions Camera Trap - a camera which has a motion sensor to detect when something is there. The high quality system made it possible to see the majestic black panther, despite it being dark., Image: 413197804, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- Gotovo svatko ima priču da je barem jednom vidio crnog leoparda, to je gotovo mitska pojava. Čak i stariji ljudi u Keniji koji su prije više godina bili vodiči, u vrijeme kad je lov bio legalan tijekom pedesetih i šezdesetih, znalo se da se crni leopardi ne love. Ako ste ih vidjeli, niste ih dirali - rekao je Nick Pilfold s instituta za zaštitu životinja.

Život u sjeni

Postoji devet podvrsta leoparda koji žive od Afrike do istočne Rusije. Smatra se da ih oko 11% ima melanizam, no većina živi u jugoistočnoj Aziji gdje im prašume nude mogućnost za skrivanje. U tom se staništu melanizam smatra prednošću jer im pruža dodatnu kamuflažu u lovu. U Keniji to nije slučaj i ondje se crne pantere, kako zovu sve velike mačke s melanizmom, teško mogu sakriti u niskom raslinju.

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Some of San Diego Zoo Global’s footage of the male black leopard living on Loisaba’s border, the first concrete evidence in 100 years! Such exciting news for research and conservation. #blackpanther #blackleopard #panther #conservation #research @sandiegozoo @_life_of_a_biologist_ @letoluai___ambrose ——————————————————————— Staying at @elewanacollection’s Loisaba Tented Camp and Loisaba Star Beds helps ensure @Loisaba_Conservancy remains a catalyst for conservation, wildlife research and community development. ——————————————————————— Loisaba’s mission is to protect and enhance critical wildlife diversity, abundance and habitat in the landscape, which sits on the western edge of one of Kenya’s most important elephant movement corridors. The profit from #LoisabaTentedCamp and #LoisabaStarBeds, along with revenue from livestock, brings us closer to achieving our ultimate aim of creating a sustainable conservancy providing protection of endangered species and their habitat, as well as over 300 jobs to the local community. ——————————————————————— #Loisaba #LoisabaConservancy #LandConnectedLifeProtected #Conservation #SaveSpecies #EndExtinction #Research #Safari #WhyILoveKenya #LuxuryTravel #Kenya #Africa #WildlifePhotography #WildlifeConservation ——————————————————————— Our partners: @nature_org @nature_africa @sandiegozoo @spaceforgiants @lionlandscapes @nrt_kenya @elewanacollection

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- Naši leopardi žive u staništima savana pa im melanizam ne daje nikakvu prednost. Doduše, s obzirom da su aktivni uglavnom noću, ipak im tamnija boja dlake donosi malu korist - rekao je Vincent Naude, koordinator projekta za očuvanje leoparda.

- (PICTURED the black panther) A rare black panther has emerged to find its prey as it lurks under the African nights sky. Will Burrad-Lucas, 35, from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, took the phenomenal photos at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya, last month. The wildlife photographer took the images using a Camtraptions Camera Trap - a camera which has a motion sensor to detect when something is there. The high quality system made it possible to see the majestic black panther, despite it being dark., Image: 413197784, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED the black panther) A rare black panther has emerged to find its prey as it lurks under the African nights sky. Will Burrad-Lucas, 35, from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, took the phenomenal photos at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya, last month. The wildlife photographer took the images using a Camtraptions Camera Trap - a camera which has a motion sensor to detect when something is there. The high quality system made it possible to see the majestic black panther, despite it being dark., Image: 413197795, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Također, činjenica da je lunjala u društvu majke, govori da jedinstvena boja dlake ne utječe na obiteljske odnose.

Znanstvenici još uvijek ne znaju točan uzrok melanizma kod leoparda budući da je njihova pojava toliko rijetka.

Fotografije i snimke objavio je rezervat Loisaba na društvenim mrežama.

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07. veljača 2025 13:08