Najprodavanije igre (9. tjedan ‘16.)

Iako je prodaja PC verzije igre prošlog tjedna opala, Far Cry Primal se zahvaljujući verziji za konzole zadržao na prvom mjestu kao najprodavanija igra tjedna za sve platforme.

Na drugom mjestu iznenađuje The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, prerađena verzija igre iz 2006. godine koju sada imaju priliku zaigrati vlasnici Wii U konzole.

Ostatak ljestvice pogledajte u nastavku, a budući da od sutra u prodaju kreće The Division, ne sumnjamo da će upravo ovaj naslov sljedećeg tjedna zasjesti na vrh.

Lista najprodavanijih igara za 9. tjedan 2016. godine

  1. Far Cry Primal - Ubisoft
  2. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Hd - Nintendo
  3. Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 - EA Games
  4. Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Activision
  5. FIFA 16 - EA Sports
  6. Lego Marvel Avengers - Warner Bros. Interactive
  7. Grand Theft Auto V – Take 2
  8. Heavy Rain & Beyond Two Souls Collection - Sony Computer Ent.
  9. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6: Siege - Ubisoft
  10. Forza Motorsport 6 - Microsoft
  11. Street Fighter V - Capcom
  12. Star Wars Battlefront - EA Games
  13. Minecraft: Xbox Edition - Microsoft
  14. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate - Ubisoft
  15. Lego Jurassic World - Warner Bros. Interactive
  16. Minecraft: Story Mode - Telltale Games
  17. Minecraft: Playstation Edition - Sony Computer Ent.
  18. Fallout 4 - Bethesda Softworks
  19. Halo 5: Guardians - Microsoft
  20. WWE 2k16 - 2k
  21. Mortal Kombat Xl - Warner Bros. Interactive
  22. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon - Nintendo
  23. Disney Infinity 3.0 - Disney Infinity
  24. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection - Sony Computer Ent.
  25. Just Cause 3 - Square Enix
  26. Just Dance 2016 - Ubisoft
  27. Knack - Sony Computer Ent.
  28. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Konami
  29. Destiny: The Taken King - Activision
  30. Rise of The Tomb Raider - Square Enix
  31. Deadpool - Activision
  32. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - Nintendo
  33. Need for Speed - EA Games
  34. Resident Evil Origins Collection - Capcom
  35. Terraria - Xbox 360 Classics
  36. Dying Light - Warner Bros. Interactive
  37. Pokemon Omega Ruby - Nintendo
  38. Lego Dimensions -Lego Dimensions
  39. Battlefield 4 - EA Games
  40. The Elder Scrolls Online - Bethesda Softworks

UKIE Games Charts ©, compiled by GfK Chart-Track

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