JEDNA OD NAJSTARIJIH ŽIVOTINJA NA SVIJETU JE GAY Stručnjaci otkrili zašto divovske kornjače nakon 26 godina ljubavi nikako ne mogu dobiti potomstvo

 Profimedia, BNPS

Najstariji stanovnik otoka Sveta Helena u Atlantskom oceanu, koji pripada britanskom prekomorskom teritoriju, ima 186 godina, no ni gotovo dva stoljeća nisu ga promijenila. Divovska kornjača Jonathan vjerojatno je i najstarija životinja na planeti, a nedavno se oporavio od manjih zdravstvenih problema.

No, ženka kojoj se Jonathan udvara posljednjih 26 godina uopće nije Frederica u koju se zaljubio, nego je Frederic. Upoznali su se 1991. kad je francuski konzul guverneru otoka na poklon donio Fredericu kako bi Jonathanu pravila društvo i kako bi se iz toga eventualno rodilo potomstvo.

Sudbina je htjela da je Frederici oklop prilično propao pa je trebala intervenciju veterinara. Pomnijim pregledom otkriven je razlog zašto Jonathan i Frederica, unatoč povremenim ljubavnim susretima, nisu dobili potomstvo. Frederica je zapravo mužjak. (01202 558833)

St Helena resident tortoise Jonathan pictured before 1896 with a St Helena policeman(right) and a servant from Government House.

The world's oldest living animal is starting over with a clean sheet at 184 years old - after a vet gave him his first ever bath. 

Jonathan the giant tortoise has come out of his shell after centuries of grime were carefully scrubbed off his back with a loofah, soft brush, and surgical soap.

The famous reptile was over the moon with his make over and is now ready for a VIP visit to his historic island home., Image: 279134934, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS
Jonathan na Svetoj Heleni, fotografiran oko 1896. s policajcem i radnikom s farme

Jonathan je na Svetu Helenu stigao sa Sejšela oko 1880., kao poklon s još tri kornjače, no Frederica mu je bila jedina ljubavnica zadnjih 25 godina, piše Time.

Premda Jonathan trenutno ima problema s mrenom i izgubio je osjet njuha, veterinari kažu da ovo usporeno biće i njegov partner Frederic imaju pred sobom još dosta godina zajedničkog života.

The world's oldest living animal has been given a new lease of life after a vet put him on a healthy diet - at the age of 183.

It was feared Jonathan the giant tortoise was on his last legs after his health seriously declined due to losing his eyesight and sense of smell.

But now the famous resident on the British outpost of St Helena Island has started coming out of his shell again thanks to vet Dr Joe Hollins., Image: 270835768, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS
Jonathan se zbog zdravlja počeo hraniti zdravo

The world's oldest living animal has been given a new lease of life after a vet put him on a healthy diet - at the age of 183.

It was feared Jonathan the giant tortoise was on his last legs after his health seriously declined due to losing his eyesight and sense of smell.

But now the famous resident on the British outpost of St Helena Island has started coming out of his shell again thanks to vet Dr Joe Hollins., Image: 270835705, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS
Jonathan s veterinarom dr. Joeom Hollinsom

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31. siječanj 2025 09:55