Bila sam kraljica modnih pista, a sada sam nepokretna od vrata naniže. Doktor mi je rekao da malo prilegnem, a ja sam se probudila posve paralizirana!

 Mediadrumworld / @gavinoneillpho / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Kad se bivši model i dizajnerica Sonia Vera probudila s posve utrnutom rukom, isprva je mislila da ima srčani udar. Otišla je liječniku, no rečeno joj je da je to od stresa i umora i neka se samo dobro naspava i poslali je kući. Sonia ih je poslušala, otišla kući i malo prilegla da bi se pet sati kasnije probudila paralizirana od vrata naniže.

Sonia (46) je inače rođena Venezuelanka, no već godinama živi u Londonu gdje je izgradila zavidnu karijeru u svijetu mode.

LONDON, UK: Sonia having her nails done. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera, Image: 499050625, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia
Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Prve naznake da nešto nije u redu pojavile su se u lipnju 2017. kad je prvi put potražila liječničku pomoć da bi je liječnici otpravili kući na odmor.

Duboko u sebi znala je da nešto doista nije u redu. Kad se probudila paralizirana, zanimljivo, nije paničarila. Vjerovala je da će to proći i da će liječnici vrlo brzo ustanoviti što nije u redu.

LONDON, UK: Sonia had a photo shoot done whilst she was in hospital as she was determined not to lose herself. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumwo, Image: 499051497, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / @gatescharlie / Media Drum World / Profimedia
Mediadrumworld / @gatescharlie / Media Drum World / Profimedia

U bolnici su je podvrgnuli brojnim testovima, uključujući i dvije punkcije kralježnice, prije nego su joj dijagnosticirali transverzalni mijelitis, rijetko neurološko stanje koje napada središnji živčani sustav i uzrokuje upalu leđne moždine.

Sonia je u bolnici provela šest mjeseci gdje su joj steroidima pokušavali smanjiti upalu. Nakon toga je dobila tri terapije imunoglobulinom kao i intenzivnu fizioterapiju.

LONDON, UK: Sonia decided to have a fashion photo shoot whilst in hospital. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / @gatescharlie, Image: 499050627, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / @gatescharlie / Media Drum World / Profimedia
Mediadrumworld / @gatescharlie / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Sonia je prije bolesti bila uspješna manekenka i TV voditeljica, a pokrenula je i svoju vlastitu liniju kupaćih kostima.

Liječnici su joj rekli da za njezino stanje zapravo nema lijeka i da vjerojatno nikad više neće hodati, no ona ostaje pozitivna i trudi se preokrenuti liječničku prognozu.

LONDON, UK: Sonia was in hospital for six months. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera, Image: 499051517, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia
Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Svakodnevno vježba hodanje u bazenu i budno prati novosti u liječenju transverzalnog mijelitisa.

Nakon što je vidjela da su u SAD-u počela klinička testiranja epiduralnog stimulatora te da su prvi rezultati obećavajući, pokrenula je GoFundMe kampanju kako bi prikupila sredstva za liječenje koje joj je jedina nada da ponovno prohoda.

LONDON, UK: Sonia in physiotherapy. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera, Image: 499051484, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia
Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia

'Fizički sam loše, naravno. Mučim se s čitavom jednom stranom tijela jer ne reagira kako bi trebala. Konstantno me boli desna ruka i obavljanje nekih svakodnevnih stvari mi stvara poteškoće. Ali mentalno sam ok. Imam lošijih perioda, no brzo se saberem. Svako jutro meditiram kako bih se smirila i usredotočila na oporavak. Biti pozitivan i imati vjere je jako važno', kaže Sonia.

LONDON, UK: Sonia is determined not to lose herself because of what has happened to her. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera, Image: 499051490, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia
Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia

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14. ožujak 2025 03:44