VIDEO, FOTO: PREDSTAVLJEN NAJVEĆI AVION NA SVIJETU Milijarder ostvario obećanje i pokazao letjelicu sa 6 mlaznih motora za lansiranje satelita

 Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Suosnivač Microsofta Paul Allen predstavio je najveći avion na svijetu, s rasponom krila od 117 metara.

Letjelica Stratolaunch sa šest mlaznih motora osmišljena je za lansiranje satelita u orbitu. Kao prednost lansiranja satelita na raketama sa zračne platforme dok je Stratolaunch u letu, navode štednju goriva.

Avion je dizajniran tako da može nositi raketu s teretom do 250 tona, a predviđeni troškovi od 300 milijuna dolara nisu ovih dana potvrđeni, piše Guardian.

Allen, milijarder koji se obogatio preko Microsofta, pridružuje se superbogatim poduzetnicima poput Muska, Richarda Bransona i Jeffa Bezosa u traženju novih avantura u Zemljinoj orbiti, pogotovo jer se NASA okrenula privatnom sektoru za pomoć dolasku do samih granica našeg planeta.

Prvi testni letovi očekuju se unutar godinu dana, a operacije bi trebale početi 2018. godine.

May 31,2017. Mojave Ca.  Paul Allen's Stratolaunch carrier makes it's first out of the hanger appearance Wednesday. The Stratolaunch  was rolled out to start fuel testing on it's tanks as Paul Allen sent out a aerial photo of it this morning. The plane is built by Scaled Composites and called the ''Roc,''  The plane has the longest wingspan of any aircraft ever built: 385 feet from tip to tip. The six-engine mothership is designed to carry rockets between its two fuselages. Once at altitude, the mega-plane will drop the launch vehicle, which will then fire its boosters and launch to space from the air..Photo by Gene Blevins/LA DailyNews/ZumaPress., Image: 334205070, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

May 31,2017. Mojave Ca.  Paul Allen's Stratolaunch carrier makes it's first out of the hanger appearance Wednesday. The Stratolaunch  was rolled out to start fuel testing on it's tanks as Paul Allen sent out a aerial photo of it this morning. The plane is built by Scaled Composites and called the ''Roc,''  The plane has the longest wingspan of any aircraft ever built: 385 feet from tip to tip. The six-engine mothership is designed to carry rockets between its two fuselages. Once at altitude, the mega-plane will drop the launch vehicle, which will then fire its boosters and launch to space from the air..Photo by Gene Blevins/LA DailyNews/ZumaPress., Image: 334205055, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

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21. veljača 2025 13:28