MAMA DVOJE DJECE BOJI SE HRANE 'Čitav život jedem samo sendviče sa sirom i čips. Kad god sam probala nešto drugo dobila bih napadaj panike'

 Profimedia, Caters News

Britanka April Griffiths (29) ima fobiju od hrane i jede samo sendviče sa sirom i čips. Imjenjuje dvije vrste sira - zreli cheddar i crveni Leicester.

"Svaki put kad pokušam probati nove stvari dobijem napadaj panike, cijelo tijelo mi se počne tresti i jako sam nervozna", kazala je April.

Imam stravičan strah od gušenja kada osjeti drugačiju teksturu. Jedinu stvar koju nekad uvede u prehranu je tostiranje sendviča.

Čips uzima s okusom pa, objašnjava, tako zadovoljava potrebu za drugom hranom, piše Mirror.

(PICTURED: Apri Griffiths, 29 having a cheese sandwich.  Pic Taken 12/09/2019  )  - A mum-of-two with a fear of food has revealed shes lived off a diet of cheese sandwiches - for almost 30 years.  April Griffiths, 29, has baulked at the thought of eating anything other than a cheese sandwich for breakfast, lunch and dinner since she was a tot. Shes shelled out a fortune on hypnotherapy sessions in a bid to overcome her mealtime phobias, but nothing has ever been able to cure her of the obsession.  -, Image: 471095364, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

"Nikad nisam mogla progutati ništa drugo bez da sam to povratila", iskrena je.

Zato vani nikad ne jede jer više ne može podnijeti silna pitanja oko svoje prehrane.

Dečko Leigh ju je pokušavao ohrabriti da proba nešto novo, ali je potpisao kapitulaciju. Par ima dvoje djece i oni jedu normalno.

No, ona uvijek jede u drugoj sobi da djeca ne bi pomislila da je normalno večerati čips.

(PICTURED: April Griffiths, 29 from Nuneaton with cheese sandwiches and crisps. Pic Taken 12/09/2019  )  - A mum-of-two with a fear of food has revealed shes lived off a diet of cheese sandwiches - for almost 30 years.  April Griffiths, 29, has baulked at the thought of eating anything other than a cheese sandwich for breakfast, lunch and dinner since she was a tot. Shes shelled out a fortune on hypnotherapy sessions in a bid to overcome her mealtime phobias, but nothing has ever been able to cure her of the obsession.  -, Image: 471095370, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

"bar ne moram misliti što ću si kuhati za doručak, ručak ili večeru", šali se April.

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09. ožujak 2025 21:06