FOTO: GLUMAČKA LEGENDA ŽRTVA 'ZVIJERI S ISTOKA' Nakon nesreće prikovan je za hodalicu i invalidska kolica, ali od tuluma nije htio odustati


Glumačka legenda Michael Caine (85) ranije ovog mjeseca doživio je nezgodu kada se u svom vrtu poskliznuo na snijegu i slomio gležanj. Teška ozljeda nije obeshrabrila vremešnog glumca koji nije htio odustati od proslave svog rođendana, te je prije devet dana na zabavu došao u kolicima. Cijelu večer gurao ga je Sir Paul McCartney...

- Michael se poskliznuo na snijegu i slomio gležanj. Ne trebate brinuti na njega, dobre je volje i bit će uskoro ko' novi - rekao je njegov glasnogovornik za Mirror.

I čini se da je bio u pravu. Caine je već nekoliko dana poslije odbacio invalidska kolica i na večeru u centru Londonu krenuo uz pomoć hodalice.

, London, England - 20180322 - Michael Caine Using a Walker as he Leaves Drury Lane Theatre

-PICTURED: Michael Caine
-, Image: 366714664, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, INSTAR Images
Profimedia, INSTAR Images

, London, England - 20180322 - Michael Caine Using a Walker as he Leaves Drury Lane Theatre

-PICTURED: Michael Caine
-, Image: 366714646, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, INSTAR Images
Profimedia, INSTAR Images

, London, England - 20180322 - Michael Caine Using a Walker as he Leaves Drury Lane Theatre

-PICTURED: Michael Caine
-, Image: 366714665, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, INSTAR Images
Profimedia, INSTAR Images


Exclusive pictures: Sir Michael Caine seen in a wheelchair last night on the 15th of March 2018 after leaving the BFI on his 85th birthday. The actor fell over outside the Ivy on the 1st of March and broke his foot in two places, Image: 366215625, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features


Exclusive pictures: Sir Michael Caine seen in a wheelchair last night on the 15th of March 2018 after leaving the BFI on his 85th birthday. The actor fell over outside the Ivy on the 1st of March and broke his foot in two places, Image: 366215608, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, IMP Features
Profimedia, IMP Features

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01. travanj 2025 01:25