FOTO: OVAJ PUT JE MALO PRETJERALA? Ariel se na crvenom tepihu cijelo vrijeme borila s bujnim poprsjem, na kraju je stalno morala pridržavati haljinu

 Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

Ariel Winter, 19-godišnja američka glumica poznata po seriji "Moderna obitelj" gdje glumi štrebericu Alex, poznata je po svojim oblinama koje se trudi istaknuti na svakom crvenom tepihu, ali i u privatnom životu.

Tako se u nedjelju samouvjereno na svečanosti zatvaranja međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Palm Springsu pojavila u jednom od njezinih najsmjelijih modnih izdanja dosad. Pratio ju je dečko Levi Meaden, također glumac.

Odjenula je crnu dugačku haljinu s izrazito dubokim dekolteom, koji je jedva pokrivao njezino bujno poprsje. Da je riječ o riskantnoj modnoj odluci govori i činjenica da je Ariel često morala popravljati haljinu i brinuti se da se ne dogodi modna nezgoda na crvenom tepihu i nešto slučajno ne proviri ispod haljine.

January 14, 2018 - Palm Springs, California, U.S. - Modern Family TV Star, ARIEL WINTER arrives for a screening of the new film 'The Last Movie Star'. The Film was the closing night event at the 29th Palm Springs International Film Festival. The screening and Q&A took place at the Palm Springs High School., Image: 360238714, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

January 14, 2018 - Palm Springs, California, U.S. - Modern Family TV Star, ARIEL WINTER and her boyfriend, actor LEVI MEADEN, arrive for a screening of the new film 'The Last Movie Star'. The Film was the closing night event at the 29th Palm Springs International Film Festival. The screening and Q&A took place at the Palm Springs High School., Image: 360238409, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

January 14, 2018 - Palm Springs, California, U.S. - Modern Family TV Star, ARIEL WINTER speaks at a Q&A for a screening of the new film 'The Last Movie Star'. The Film was the closing night event at the 29th Palm Springs International Film Festival. The screening and Q&A took place at the Palm Springs High School., Image: 360238400, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

January 14, 2018 - Palm Springs, California, U.S. - Modern Family TV Star, ARIEL WINTER at her new film 'The Last Movie Star' co-staring and partly about Burt Reynolds. The Film was the closing night event at the 29th Palm Springs International Film Festival. The screening and Q&A took place at the Palm Springs High School., Image: 360238398, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

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20. veljača 2025 10:51