PJEVAČICA SOPHIE-ELLIS BEXTOR PALA S BICIKLA, ZAVRŠILA U BOLNICI Obožavatelji ostali u šoku kad su je vidjeli sa zavojem na glavi i ozljedama ruke

Sophie-Ellis Bextor

Sophie-Ellis Bextor, najpoznatija po megahitovima "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" i "Murder On The Dancefloor", u utorak navečer u Londonu je imala ozbiljniju biciklističku nesreću nakon koje je završila u bolnici, prenosi BBC.

- Pala sam na stazi na obali rijeke Temze... Osim što sam natučena i imam nekoliko bolnih modrica, dobro sam - napisala je pjevačica kraj fotografije iz bolničkog kreveta - namjerno ju je, kaže, objavila u crno-bijeloj varijanti jer nije htjela "izgledati previše grozno".

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

EDIT - hello all. Thank you for all the lovely messages. I should have said that the main reason I posted was to thank the incredible folk who stopped and helped (although the sympathy is very cheering) so don’t worry I’m ok and being well looked after. Richard has been amazing and the kids are being very sweet ❤ Lots of love. I ended up in a&e last night after I took a tumble from the tow path down to the side of the Thames on my bike during an evening cycle. I’ve put the photo in black and white so it’s not too gory. I am ok, just a bit bruised and sore. I want to thank the ambulance crew and the staff at west mid hospital (where I was born, as it happens) for gluing me back together. I also want to thank Lucas, Colin, Josh and Willow who were 4 runners who stopped and helped @richardjonesface and I when I hurt myself. You were so calm, thoughtful and reassuring. Thank you very much. I hope you see this message as I didn’t get your details. You’re all lovely people. Xxxx

Objavu dijeli Sophie Ellis-Bextor (@sophieellisbextor)

Fanovi su se zabrinuli vidjevši je sa zavojem na glavi i ozlijeđenom rukom, a ona im se kasnije zahvalila na svim porukama potpore i željama za što bržim oporavkom.

- Hvala i ekipi hitne pomoći te medicinskom osoblju koji su me 'pokrpali' poslije nesreće... Hvala četvorici trkača koji su stali kako bi pomogli mom suprugu Richardu Jonesu i meni. Bili ste divni, nadam se da ćete vidjeti ovu poruku, jer, nažalost, nisam uspjela saznati vaša imena - objavila je na društvenoj mreži 41-godišnja Sophie, inače majka petero djece.

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Sophie-Ellis Bextor

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23. veljača 2025 15:59