Profimedia, BNPS

Fotografije Marilyn Monroe koje nikada do sada nisu viđene, s njezina posljednjeg foto sessiona, našle su se u srijedu na aukciji.

Fotoreporter George Barris snimio je fotografije u lipnju 1962., tri tjedna prije smrti slavne Marilyn, objavila je internetska aukcijska kuća Paddle8.

Na dražbi će se naći i rijetke memorabilije, gole fotografije, filmski posteri i prvo izdanje Playboya iz 1953., koje je potpisao Hugh Hefner, a kojemu je na naslovnoj stranici upravo Marilyn Monroe.

***Only to be used in connection with auction***

George Barris picture of Monroe in the Hollywood Hills in 1962.

An auction of photographs of screen legend Marilyn Monroe gives a fascinating insight into the changing face of the tragic star from her discovery as Norma Jean Baker to some taken just days before her death.

'Marilyn Through a Lens' reveals that throughout the ups and downs of her short life, the camera never let her down.

Juliens Auctions - 23 March., Image: 326027078, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS

Početne cijene na aukciji kreću se između 500 i 18.000 dolara.

Dražba traje do 11. kolovoza.

***Only to be used in connection with auction***

George Barris picture of Monroe preparing for a photoshoot in the Hollywood Hills in 1962.

An auction of photographs of screen legend Marilyn Monroe gives a fascinating insight into the changing face of the tragic star from her discovery as Norma Jean Baker to some taken just days before her death.

'Marilyn Through a Lens' reveals that throughout the ups and downs of her short life, the camera never let her down.

Juliens Auctions - 23 March., Image: 326027079, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS

***Only to be used in connection with auction***

George Barris picture of Monroe preparing for a photoshoot in the Hollywood Hills in 1962.

An auction of photographs of screen legend Marilyn Monroe gives a fascinating insight into the changing face of the tragic star from her discovery as Norma Jean Baker to some taken just days before her death.

'Marilyn Through a Lens' reveals that throughout the ups and downs of her short life, the camera never let her down.

Juliens Auctions - 23 March., Image: 326027080, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS

***Only to be used in connection with auction***

George Barris picture Monroe in the Hollywood Hills in 1962.

An auction of photographs of screen legend Marilyn Monroe gives a fascinating insight into the changing face of the tragic star from her discovery as Norma Jean Baker to some taken just days before her death.

'Marilyn Through a Lens' reveals that throughout the ups and downs of her short life, the camera never let her down.

Juliens Auctions - 23 March., Image: 326027093, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS

***Only to be used in connection with auction***

George Barris picture Monroe in the Hollywood Hills in 1962.

An auction of photographs of screen legend Marilyn Monroe gives a fascinating insight into the changing face of the tragic star from her discovery as Norma Jean Baker to some taken just days before her death.

'Marilyn Through a Lens' reveals that throughout the ups and downs of her short life, the camera never let her down.

Juliens Auctions - 23 March., Image: 326027085, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS

***Only to be used in connection with auction***

George Barris picture Monroe in the Hollywood Hills in 1962.

An auction of photographs of screen legend Marilyn Monroe gives a fascinating insight into the changing face of the tragic star from her discovery as Norma Jean Baker to some taken just days before her death.

'Marilyn Through a Lens' reveals that throughout the ups and downs of her short life, the camera never let her down.

Juliens Auctions - 23 March., Image: 326027087, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, BNPS
Profimedia, BNPS

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07. ožujak 2025 14:29