ZA VALENTINOVO DOBILA ŠAKOM U GLAVU Bivšu Kličkovu zaručnicu napao sadašnji partner, bio je pijan i ovo mu nije prvi put: 'Ubio je Boga u meni!'

Hayden Panettiere i Brian Hickerson
 Roger / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia

Brian Hickerson, aktualni dečko američke glumice Hayden Panettiere, najpoznatije po ulozi u hit TV seriji "Heroji", na Dan zaljubljenih, 14. veljače, uhićen je zbog obiteljskog nasilja.

Policija je pozvana na adresu u Jacksonu u Wyomingu nakon što je pijani Brian Hayden udario zatvorenom šakom u lice.

Glumica ga je istjerala iz kuće i zaključala mu vrata, a policajci su ga pronašli kako baulja po dvorištu.

- Je**no je ubio Boga u meni! - vrištala je 30-godišnja Panettiere, dok je Hickerson odbijao odgovarati na pitanja koja su mu "plavci" postavljali o incidentu.

Hayden Panettieres boyfriend has been arrested following an Valentines Day incident which he allegedly punched her in the face.
Brian Hickerson was arrested at around 2.30am on February 14 after he stuck the former Nashville star with a closed fist on the right side of her face, according to police.
The Teton County Sheriff's Office in Wyoming were called to the scene after being notified of a domestic incident in Jackson.
The caller said an intoxicated male was locked outside of a private resident after punching his girlfriend.
Deputies found Hickerson in the driveway when they arrived.
Panettiere told cops that the incident happened in their bedroom; she claims Hickerson began pushing her around and struck her. According to police Panettiere had a red and swollen face and a scrape and swelling on her left hand, which she says came from Hickersons watch during the altercation.
Hickerson was arrested on domestic battery charges and for interfering with a peace officer. Both charges are considered misdemeanors in the state of Wyoming.
Back in May 2019, Hickerson and Panettiere were involved in a domestic incident at their Los Angeles home in California. The actress was allegedly left with red marks on her body. Hickerson was arrested, but the case was later dismissed after Panettiere decided not to press charges.
18 Feb 2020, Image: 499366422, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Teton County Sheriffs/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
Teton County Sheriffs/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
Brian Hickerson

Par se navodno posvađao u spavaćoj sobi, a onda je problematični agent za nekretnine i glumac nasrnuo na djevojku - policajci su u izvješću napisali da je Haydenino lice bilo crveno i natečeno kad su stigli na intervenciju, a imala je i ogrebotine te otekline na lijevoj ruci, prenio je portal Contact Music.

- Ne želim biti optužen za nekakva sranja - vikao je pijani Brian, kojemu ovo nije bio prvi agresivni ispad.

Podsjetimo, on je i lani u svibnju uhićen zbog napada na glumicu u Los Angelesu, no slučaj nikad nije dobio sudski epilog jer je Panettiere odbila svjedočiti protiv nasilna dečka.

Hayden i Brian u vezi su oko godinu i pol dana. Glumica je prije njega bila zaručena za boksača Vladimira Klička (43), s kojim ima petogodišnju kćer Kayu.

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10. ožujak 2025 20:25