FOTO: MLADOŽENJA NA VLASTITU SVADBU DOŠAO U - PAPUČAMA! Oženio se Shane MacGowan, na vjenčanju mu svirao Johnny Depp

 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Glumačka zvijezda Johnny Depp kao poseban gost zasvirao je u ponedjeljak na vjenčanju glazbene legende Shanea MacGowana, pišu svjetski mediji.

MacGowan i Depp odlični su prijatelji više od 20 godina.

Shane MacGowan, pjevač i tekstopisac Poguesa, stupio je brak s dugogodišnjom djevojkom Victorijom Clarke.

Svadba je u bila Kopengahanu, a Deppov dolazak potvrdila je tek dan ranije Shaneova buduća supruga za irski Independent.

- Htjeli smo da to bude privatan događaj, ali pošto ga je nemoguće držati u totalnoj tajnosti, pozvali smo nekoliko prijatelja i članova obitelji i pretvorili ga u malenu, lijepu proslavu - rekla je.

Depp, naravno, zna kako svirati gitaru, pošto ima bend Hollywood Vampires, zajedno s Aliceom Cooperom i Joejem Perryjem iz Aerosmitha. Svirao je i na albumu Oasisa "Be Here Now" iz 1997.

EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398431647, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Johnny Depp

EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398432336, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398433222, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398431579, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398433201, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398433238, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398434192, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding in Denmark.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398437619, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Pogues singer, Shane McGowan gets married to Victoria Mary Clarke at Copenhagen City Hall. Johnny Depp was one of the guest at the wedding in Denmark.
26 Nov 2018, Image: 398437640, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

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