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 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Kontroverzni biznismen James Stunt (36) lani u listopadu službeno se razveo od Petre Ecclestone (29), s kojom je bio u braku šest godina i s kojom je dobio kćer Laviniju (5) te blizance Andrewa Kulbira (2) i Jamesa Roberta Fredricka (2).

Stunt je poslije bračnoga brodoloma u više navrata javno vrijeđao ne samo bivšu suprugu, nego i njezinu obitelj - oca Bernieja (87), bivšega vlasnika Formule 1, i majku Slavicu (59), bivšu manekenku rođenu u Rijeci.

Petra Ecclestone and James Stunt prior to the start of the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix, at the Monaco racetrack, in Monte-Carlo, MONACO-27/05/2012./VILLARD_VIL086/1205280304/Credit:VILLARD/NIVIERE/SIPA/1205280308, Image: 228147624, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Sipa Press
Profimedia, TEMP Sipa Press
James Stunt i Petra Ecclestone

Bijesnio je i zbog medijskih natpisa o njegovim financijskim problemima te "pranju novca", koje je navodno vršila njegova tvrtka Stunt & Co, koja se, kako piše na službenoj internetskoj stranici iste, bavi "nabavom i prodajom najkvalitetnijih plemenitih metala".

Nakon niza incidenata koji su tjednima zabavljali britansku javnost, James se prošli tjedan opet našao u centru pažnje - naime, u Londonu su ga snimili u društvu 30-godišnje Samanthe Rowley, glumice iz TV serije "Hollyoaks" te zvijezde reality showova "Make Me A Supermodel" i "Trust Me - I’m A Holiday Rep".

Iako se donedavno nije ni znalo da su Stunt i atraktivna plavuša zajedno, par je, čini se, već i zaručen! Naime, Samantha je u petak fotografima ponosno pokazala veliki dijamantni prsten, a ni James nije skrivao svoj.

No ono što je zapravo zaprepastilo britansku javnost bilo je neumjesno ponašanje bahatoga biznismena. Dok je s navodnom "novopečenom" zaručnicom izlazio iz restorana, Stunta su okružile prosjakinje, a on im je, dok su ga sa svih strana čuvali gorostasni tjelohranitelji, dobacivao novčanice ukupne vrijednosti od oko 500 funti (oko 4000 kuna). Skitnice su ga nastavile pratiti niz ulicu sve dok im James na kraju nije pobjegao u auto.

- Kakav samodopadni lik! Ljigavac! Sve te žene sigurno su s njim jer je nevjerojatno zgodan i dobar u duši... Dno dna! - komentirali su Britanci.

James Stunt enjoys a evening meal with three female companions at trendy Nobu Berkeley Street in Mayfair. The billionaire businessman was seen smoking and talking outside the restaurant with the three women, when he was suddenly accosted by a group of around 10 Romanian beggars, who aggressively begged for money. He handed over a wad of £20 notes totalling £300, and had apparently given out a further £500 before snappers had arrived. Yet this was not deemed enough for the tramps, who chased him through Mayfair demanding more. His security were seen physically shielding him from the women. James was holding two expensive satellite phones, and appeared to be wearing a new wedding ring.
16 Mar 2018, Image: 366216803, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

James Stunt enjoys a evening meal with three female companions at trendy Nobu Berkeley Street in Mayfair. The billionaire businessman was seen smoking and talking outside the restaurant with the three women, when he was suddenly accosted by a group of around 10 Romanian beggars, who aggressively begged for money. He handed over a wad of £20 notes totalling £300, and had apparently given out a further £500 before snappers had arrived. Yet this was not deemed enough for the tramps, who chased him through Mayfair demanding more. His security were seen physically shielding him from the women. James was holding two expensive satellite phones, and appeared to be wearing a new wedding ring.
16 Mar 2018, Image: 366216927, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

James Stunt enjoys a evening meal with three female companions at trendy Nobu Berkeley Street in Mayfair. The billionaire businessman was seen smoking and talking outside the restaurant with the three women, when he was suddenly accosted by a group of around 10 Romanian beggars, who aggressively begged for money. He handed over a wad of £20 notes totalling £300, and had apparently given out a further £500 before snappers had arrived. Yet this was not deemed enough for the tramps, who chased him through Mayfair demanding more. His security were seen physically shielding him from the women. James was holding two expensive satellite phones, and appeared to be wearing a new wedding ring.
16 Mar 2018, Image: 366216817, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

James Stunt enjoys a evening meal with three female companions at trendy Nobu Berkeley Street in Mayfair. The billionaire businessman was seen smoking and talking outside the restaurant with the three women, when he was suddenly accosted by a group of around 10 Romanian beggars, who aggressively begged for money. He handed over a wad of £20 notes totalling £300, and had apparently given out a further £500 before snappers had arrived. Yet this was not deemed enough for the tramps, who chased him through Mayfair demanding more. His security were seen physically shielding him from the women. James was holding two expensive satellite phones, and appeared to be wearing a new wedding ring.
16 Mar 2018, Image: 366216916, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Samantha Rowley i James Stunt

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07. ožujak 2025 04:14