FOTO: ONI SU DOKAZ DA PRAVA LJUBAV NE BLIJEDI Slavni glumac i supruga u braku su već 41 godinu, a vole se baš kao i prvoga dana

Jeff Bridges sa suprugom Susan Geston
 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Jeff Bridges (68) i Susan Geston (64) vjenčali su se 1977., a u braku su dobili tri kćeri - Isabelle Annie (37), Jessicu Lily "Jessie" (35) i Haley Roselouise (32).

Slavni američki glumac, junak filmova "Veliki Lebowski", "Loše društvo" i "Kralj ribara", u producenticu se, izjavio je svojedobno gostujući kod Opre Winfrey, zaljubio na prvi pogled.

- Upoznali smo se 1975. godine u Livingstonu. Susan je ondje živjela, a ja sam u njezinu gradu snimao vestern 'Rancho Deluxe'. Očarala me čim sam je ugledao. Bila je jednostavno prekrasna. Ali nisam znao ništa o njoj - pitao sam se je li gošća u hotelu, sobarica, konobarica... Ni sam ne znam kako sam uspio skupiti hrabrost da je pozovem na spoj, ali taj prvi put me odbila - prisjetio se legendarni glumac.

Ipak, nekoliko dana poslije, Jeff i Susan opet su se slučajno sreli u lokalnom kafiću, gdje je ona radila kao konobarica.

- Plesali smo i to je bilo, čovječe. Bio sam zaljubljen 'preko ušiju' - rekao je romantični Bridges.

A da njegova ljubav prema obožavanoj supruzi nimalo nije izblijedila, dokazuju i najnovije fotografije iz New Yorka.

- Preslatki su zajedno! Par iz snova - tako prirodni i jednostavni! Iz njegova pogleda zbilja se vidi da je voli kao prvoga dana - komentirali su raznježeni obožavatelji.

Jeff Bridges and wife Susan Geston 40 year marriage still going strong as they were spotted sitting and waiting for their car outside their Downtown Hotel.
11 Sep 2018, Image: 386323725, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Jeff Bridges sa suprugom Susan Geston

New York, NY  - Jeff Bridges and his wife of 40 years, Susan Geston, are still going strong as they were spotted sitting and waiting together for their car outside their Downtown hotel.

Pictured: Jeff Bridges, Susan Geston

BACKGRID USA 11 SEPTEMBER 2018, Image: 386325421, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Jeff Bridges sa suprugom Susan Geston

Jeff Bridges and wife Susan Geston 40 year marriage still going strong as they were spotted sitting and waiting for their car outside their Downtown Hotel.
11 Sep 2018, Image: 386323732, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges and wife Susan Geston 40 year marriage still going strong as they were spotted sitting and waiting for their car outside their Downtown Hotel.
11 Sep 2018, Image: 386323735, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Jeff Bridges sa suprugom Susan Geston

New York, NY  - Jeff Bridges and his wife of 40 years, Susan Geston, are still going strong as they were spotted sitting and waiting together for their car outside their Downtown hotel.

Pictured: Jeff Bridges, Susan Geston

BACKGRID USA 11 SEPTEMBER 2018, Image: 386325428, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Jeff Bridges sa suprugom Susan Geston

JEFF BRIDGES, SUSAN GESTON BEST ACTOR AND WIFE, Image: 55417512, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Allstars
Profimedia, Allstars
Jeff Bridges i Susan Geston

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21. veljača 2025 14:03