FOTO: POKAZALA GOLE GRUDI, ALI I TRAJAN PODSJETNIK NA TOKSIČAN BRAK Članica benda Spice Girls ne može sakriti ožiljak od tetovaže posvećene nasilniku

 Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Melanie Brown (42) i dalje uživa u zasluženom godišnjem odmoru u luksuznom resortu Desert Hot Springs u Kaliforniji. U njezinu društvu je i najbolji prijatelj, frizer Gary Madatyan, koji se itekako trudi kako bi se Scary Spice u svakome trenutku osjećala poput kraljice.

Dvojac je snimljen na ležaljkama kraj bazena, gdje se Mel B iz popularnog ženskog benda Spice Girls odlučila osunčati u toplesu. Gary ju je pažljivo namazao kremom kako pjevačica ne bi izgorjela. Osim golih grudi, koje je navodno povećala, ali o tome nikad nije javno govorila, Scary Spice pokazala je i ožiljak koji joj je ostao poslije uklanjanja tetovaže s posvetom bivšem suprugu Stephenu Belafonteu (42).

Glazbenica je poslije zahvata imala 13 šavova, a tragovi kirurškog izrezivanja tkiva na rebrima, gdje je pisalo "Stephene, imat ćeš moje srce dok nas smrt ne rastavi", vidljivi su i danas.

- Ovime sam zauvijek zatvorila poglavlje jednog vrlo toksičnog odnosa - izjavila je Brown krajem prošle godine, kad je i uklonila tetovažu.

Podsjetimo, Melanie je filmskoga producenta, s kojim je bila u braku deset godina i s kojim ima kćer Madison (6), optužila za fizičko i psihičko zlostavljanje.

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM ** Desert Hot Springs, CA  - Pink spice: Mel B flashes the flesh while enjoying her last vacation day with BFF Gary Madatyan at a 5 star resort in Desert Hot Springs. The Spice Girl looked like she was having a good time while her friend rubbed tanning lotion all over her! Mel's scar from her tattoo removal could clearly be seen on her side. The singer had ex Stephen's name completely cutout of her flesh following their split and was left with 13 stitches at the time. The scar from the procedure is still very visible along her left side.

Pictured: Mel B, Gary Madatyan 

BACKGRID USA 19 APRIL 2018, Image: 369073946, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM ** Desert Hot Springs, CA  - Pink spice: Mel B flashes the flesh while enjoying her last vacation day with BFF Gary Madatyan at a 5 star resort in Desert Hot Springs. The Spice Girl looked like she was having a good time while her friend rubbed tanning lotion all over her! Mel's scar from her tattoo removal could clearly be seen on her side. The singer had ex Stephen's name completely cutout of her flesh following their split and was left with 13 stitches at the time. The scar from the procedure is still very visible along her left side.

Pictured: Mel B

BACKGRID USA 19 APRIL 2018, Image: 369072766, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM ** Desert Hot Springs, CA  - Pink spice: Mel B flashes the flesh while enjoying her last vacation day with BFF Gary Madatyan at a 5 star resort in Desert Hot Springs. The Spice Girl looked like she was having a good time while her friend rubbed tanning lotion all over her! Mel's scar from her tattoo removal could clearly be seen on her side. The singer had ex Stephen's name completely cutout of her flesh following their split and was left with 13 stitches at the time. The scar from the procedure is still very visible along her left side.

Pictured: Mel B

BACKGRID USA 19 APRIL 2018, Image: 369072773, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM ** Desert Hot Springs, CA  - Pink spice: Mel B flashes the flesh while enjoying her last vacation day with BFF Gary Madatyan at a 5 star resort in Desert Hot Springs. The Spice Girl looked like she was having a good time while her friend rubbed tanning lotion all over her! Mel's scar from her tattoo removal could clearly be seen on her side. The singer had ex Stephen's name completely cutout of her flesh following their split and was left with 13 stitches at the time. The scar from the procedure is still very visible along her left side.

Pictured: Mel B

BACKGRID USA 19 APRIL 2018, Image: 369072782, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM ** Desert Hot Springs, CA  - Pink spice: Mel B flashes the flesh while enjoying her last vacation day with BFF Gary Madatyan at a 5 star resort in Desert Hot Springs. The Spice Girl looked like she was having a good time while her friend rubbed tanning lotion all over her! Mel's scar from her tattoo removal could clearly be seen on her side. The singer had ex Stephen's name completely cutout of her flesh following their split and was left with 13 stitches at the time. The scar from the procedure is still very visible along her left side.

Pictured: Mel B, Gary Madatyan 

BACKGRID USA 19 APRIL 2018, Image: 369073488, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

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19. siječanj 2025 02:12