FOTO: TYRA I U MIROVINI POKAZALA SVU SVOJU RASKOŠ 'Umjesto da smršavim barem 13 kilograma, ja sam 'navalila' na sladoled! I nije mi žao!'

Tyra Banks
 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Prvu naslovnicu časopisa Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Tyra Banks (45) snimila je 1996. godine. Na njoj se pojavila s kolegicom Valerijom Mazzom (47), a samo godinu dana poslije Tyra je bila prva tamnoputa manekenka koja je samostalno krasila cover spomenutog magazina.

Danas, 22 godine poslije, Banks je reprizirala kultni editorijal. Rasna ljepotica na Bahamima je pozirala u istom bikiniju kao 1997., a fotografijama se pohvalila na Instagramu.

Iako je modne piste službeno napustila prije čak 13 godina, svi se slažu da Banks i dalje izgleda senzacionalno. No ona sama priznaje kako se u početku ipak bojala skinuti u minijaturni kupaći kostim i pokazati tijelo.

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What’s YOUR super power? #BanX

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- Mislila sam da moram izgledati isto kao te davne 1997... Bila sam uvjerena da će Sports Illustrated zahtijevati od mene da smršavim barem 13 kilograma... Ali nisam i neću. Umjesto dijete, ja sam 'navalila' na sladoled! I nije mi žao! Obožavam ga i ne mogu mu odoljeti kad ga 'čujem kako me zove' iz mamina zamrzivača - izjavila je Tyra.

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Remember the 10 year challenge every one was doing on social? The one where you posted a photo of yourself now next to a photo of yourself 10 years ago? Well, I guess this is my @si_swimsuit 22 year challenge. Scroll the pic to see. But to me, it’s not just about what I’m looking like. It’s about what I’m FEELING like. Back then, I knew I had a plan to do more than model. I knew I wanted to make a difference. I knew I had a calling to do more than for just myself. I just didn’t know HOW I was gonna do it. Today, 22 years later, I rise out of bed everyday to show that yes, a woman who was a model (and is now a model again!) can indeed be powerful beyond pictures. Can indeed be a strong leader in changing the world’s perceptions of narrowly defined beauty. Can indeed be an example for others to follow so I can sit back one day when I’m old and gray to enjoy the things that YOU are doing to push my mission further than I ever dreamed possible. Yeah, my 22 year challenge has a whole ‘nother meaning beyond what you just SEE. #BanX

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- Na kraju krajeva, mali konfekcijski broj nije mjerilo ženske ljepote. Da, trebamo vježbati, uzimati vitamine i čuvati zdravlje, ali nekad se moramo i počastiti, bez osjećaja krivnje - poručila je Banks svim ženama.

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I gotta be real with you and admit that this is one of my favorite photos that I took for @si_swimsuit. I think it’s because it harkens back to a time in fashion right before my prime. The 1980s. That era of modeling was all about swimsuits that cut very high up on the leg - so high it almost reached their armpits - ha! And I can remember looking at Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoots when I was still a youngin’ and thinking, wow, that’s sooooo cool! I never thought that I would be bold enough to wear something like this and it’s crazy because this was the first shot that we did on the very first day at the crack of dawn in the morning. But I was ready. Ready do something different. Ready to do something DARING. Ready to pay homage to the supermodels of the 80s who worked their asses off to lay the foundation for me and future generations to soar! #BanX

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06. ožujak 2025 23:10