SLAVNI AMERIČKI GLUMAC OPET U HRVATSKOJ Junak 'NCIS-a' uživa na Korčuli i u Dubrovniku. Prepoznaju ga na svakom koraku, ali njemu to nimalo ne smeta


Michael Weatherly (50), američki glumac najpoznatiji po ulozi agenta Anthonyja DiNozza u popularnoj TV seriji "NCIS", već neko vrijeme boravi u Hrvatskoj.

Ovih dana posjetio je Korčulu, gdje je uživao u specijalitetima restorana Pensatore. Simpatični glumac za uspomenu je pozirao s osobljem, a zatim se vratio u Dubrovnik, gdje provodi većinu vremena.

Naime, obitelj Michaelove supruge, liječnice interne medicine Bojane Janković podrijetlom iz Srbije, prije nekoliko godina kupila je kuću blizu Dubrovnika pa će bračni par, čini se, često boraviti na jugu Hrvatske.

Podsjetimo, glumac je u Dubrovniku prvi put bio 2017. i potpuno se oduševio gradom pod Srđem.

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To kick off the first day of #summer with a #healthtip, we are sharing the pearls from the 2019 @environmentalworkinggroup #sunscreen guide. To create this report, EWG’s team has analyzed over 1,300 products with SPF for ability to offer adequate sun protection and for safety profile of their ingredients. In summary: • Commonly used ingredients that are generally recognized as safe are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. • There is insufficient data for other common ingredients including: avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene and oxybenzone (oxybenzone is concerning for its endocrine disruption ability, allergic reactions and toxicity, as well as skin absorption). • Less commonly used or unused ingredients for which there is insufficient safety and efficacy data: cinoxate, dioxybenzone, ensulizole, meradimate, padimate o, and sulisobenzone. • PABA and trolamine salicylate, which are rarely used in sunscreens, are considered unsafe based on available scientific literature. The good news is that the FDA is proposing many changes that will make sunscreens safer and more effective, but until these changes take effect, I recommend cross-referencing the EWG’s Skin Deep database or EWG’s Healthy Living app, before purchasing your sunscreen. A few quick reminders: • Remember to avoid going out in the sun between 10am and 2pm. • When you go out, apply sunscreen generously to all sun exposed areas at least 15 minutes before going outside to allow enough time for your skin to absorb the sunscreen. • Choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher and provides coverage from UVA and UVB. • Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours while outdoors and immediately after swimming or sweating. *Adapted from @aadskin1 American Academy of Dermatology Association Wishing you a happy and healthy start of summer, Dr. Bojana #beautymadebetter #knowwhatsinyourproducts #skincare #health #healthspan #preventativemedicine

A post shared by Bojana Jankovic Weatherly, MD (@dr_bojana) on

Weatherly je prošli tjedan viđen i u popularnom dubrovačkom Copacabana Beach Clubu, smještenom na istoimenoj plaži, gdje se strpljivo družio s mnogobrojnim obožavateljima.

Inače, Michael i Bojana u braku su od 2009. godine i imaju dvoje djece - kćer Oliviju (7) i sina Liama (5).

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22. veljača 2025 07:48