VIDEO: PREMINULA ZVIJEZDA 'COSBY SHOWA' Popularnu seriju snimao je osam godina, a uloga mu je donijela i nominaciju za prestižnu nagradu Emmy

Roscoe Lee Browne, Bill Gunn, Bill Cosby i Earle Hyman u popularnoj TV seriji 'Cosby Show'
 Profimedia, Everett

Earle Hyman, koji je od 1984. do 1992., u svih osam sezona TV serije "Cosby Show" igrao Russella Huxtablea, oca glavnog junaka dr. Heathcliffa Cliffa Huxtablea (Bill Cosby), preminuo je u 92. godini, prenosi The Mirror.

Glumac je, potvrdio je njegov nećak Rick Ferguson, umro prirodnom smrću u domu za umirovljene glumce Lillian Booth Actors Home u Englewoodu u New Jerseyju.

Hyman je u karijeri, koja je trajala 58 godina (od 1943. do 2001.) ostvario zapažene uloge na kultnom Broadwayju, a 1986. godine angažman u "Cosby Showu" donio mu je nominaciju za prestižnu nagradu Emmy.

REST IN PEACE Earle Hyman! Legend of Stage, film, and TV! A few years ago, I had the honor of singing at the Actors Fund Home. When I looked out into the audience, I seen Earle Hyman. I was star struck because he was on my television for the majority of my childhood in The Cosby Show. After my performance, I was told that Earle Hyman wanted to meet me! I was so shook! We spoke for a long time and shared a lot of laughs. The one thing I will always remember him telling me in that conversation was “There is never a destination in this business. When you complete one goal, aim for another! Never settle. That is when you’ll have a long career.” Thank you Earle Hyman for the 91 years that you’ve been a light on the world and paving the way for actors like myself and many others! #Legend #TheCosbyShow #Thundercats #Macbeth #NeverSettle #EarleHyman

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10. ožujak 2025 22:27