VIDEO: 'ZGODNOJ ŽENI' NIKAD NIJE BILO NEUGODNIJE, HTJELA PROPASTI U ZEMLJU OD SRAMA Ellen je natjerala da nosi umjetne grudi: 'Sad poziraj poput Kim!'

 Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Julia Roberts (51) tek u lipnju ove godine otvorila je vlastiti profil na Instagramu, a do danas je prikupila 3,6 milijuna pratitelja. To je, naravno, komičarki Ellen DeGeneres (60), koja na istoj društvenoj mreži ima nevjerojatnih 60 milijuna fanova, bio i više nego dovoljan povod da u svome TV showu zafrkava holivudsku glumicu.

Naime, kako bi joj povećala "vojsku" obožavatelja, Ellen je Juliji odlučila darovati potpuni makeover, i to onaj po uzoru na prsatu reality zvijezdu Kim Kardashian (38).

Oskarovka je morala "odjenuti" umjetne gigantske grudi i minijaturni gornji dio bikinija te pozirati ispred tapete s motivom plaže. Junakinji filmova "Zgodna žena" i "Erin Brockovich" bilo je neugodno kao nikad u životu, a kad se na pozornici pojavio Dermot Mulroney (55), Julijin partner iz romantične komedije "Moj najbolji prijatelj se ženi" iz 1997. godine, Roberts je htjela propasti u zemlju od srama.

- Imam osjećaj da gubim pratitelje na Instagramu radeći ovo! - zavapila je glumica dok se publika "previjala" od smijeha.

BGUK_1423838 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Julia Roberts is left embarrassed after Ellen DeGeneres gives her a Kardashian style makeover to help boost her Instagram page on The Ellen Show. The Oscar winning actress was left covering her face after Ellen insisted she wear huge fake boobs in a bid to get her more followers. Roberts gamely let Ellen transform her into a Kardashian-style Instagram hottie after the chat show host boasted she had 60 million followers which Roberts, who only recently joined Instagram, only has three million. Ellen decided to make over the actress with the Kardashian-style, with a fake chest and barely-there wrap in front of a tropical backdrop.
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

BGUK_1423838 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Julia Roberts is left embarrassed after Ellen DeGeneres gives her a Kardashian style makeover to help boost her Instagram page on The Ellen Show. The Oscar winning actress was left covering her face after Ellen insisted she wear huge fake boobs in a bid to get her more followers. Roberts gamely let Ellen transform her into a Kardashian-style Instagram hottie after the chat show host boasted she had 60 million followers which Roberts, who only recently joined Instagram, only has three million. Ellen decided to make over the actress with the Kardashian-style, with a fake chest and barely-there wrap in front of a tropical backdrop.
Profimedia, Xposurephotos

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19. siječanj 2025 09:17