Maroko je podnio zahtjev za otkazivanjem Afričkog kupa nacija koji bi se trebao igrati od 17. siječnja do 8. veljače u toj sjevernoafričkoj zemlji. Razlog je epidemija ebole, koja je u zapadnoj Africi odnijela oko 4.000 života. Marokanski ministar zdravlja naglasio je kako je ovaj potez nužan kako bi se izbjeglo natjecanje u kojem sudjeluju zemlje pogođene virusom ebole.
Ebola otkazuje Afrički kup nacija u Maroku?
DALLAS, TX - OCTOBER 05: Members of the Cleaning Guys Haz Mat clean up company are seen as they sanitize the apartment where Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan was staying before being admitted to a hospital on October 5, 2014 in Dallas, Texas. The first confirmed Ebola virus patient in the United States was staying with family members at The Ivy Apartment complex before being treated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. State and local officials are working with federal officials to monitor other individuals that had contact with the confirmed patient. Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY == JOE RAEDLE/AFP / 2014 Getty Images
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