FOTO: DRAMATIČNI PRIZORI IZ RUSIJE Drugi put u samo tjedan dana srušio se helikopter Mi-8, najmanje četiri osobe su poginule


MOSKVA - Četvero ljudi poginulo je u padu helikoptera u istočnoj Rusiji, objavila je u utorak ujutro ruska novinska agencija TASS.

Do nesreće je došlo u zračnoj luci Ugolnje Kopi u ruskoj dalekoistočnoj regiji Čukotska, u blizini grada Anadira, navela je za TASS regionalna vlada.

Izvor iz ruskog ministarstva obrane kazao je da je vjerojatni uzrok pada kvar na helikopteru MI-8.

Četvero poginulih bili su pripadnici ruske vojske, kazao je čelnik okruga Anadir, Sergej Savčenko.

Riječ je o drugoj nesreći helikoptera MI-8 u zadnjih tjedan dana. Pad istog tipa helikoptera dogodio se prošle srijede u Moskvi.

The helicopter was hovering at 15 metres above the ground to test engines when the tragedy struck, Image: 522392977, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Social media / East2West News / Profimedia
Social media / East2West News / Profimedia

The helicopter was hovering at 15 metres above the ground to test engines when the tragedy struck, Image: 522392959, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: social media / East2West News / Profimedia
social media / East2West News / Profimedia

The helicopter was hovering at 15 metres above the ground to test engines when the tragedy struck, Image: 522392967, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: social media / East2West News / Profimedia
social media / East2West News / Profimedia

The helicopter was hovering at 15 metres above the ground to test engines when the tragedy struck, Image: 522392964, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: social media / East2West News / Profimedia
social media / East2West News / Profimedia

The helicopter was hovering at 15 metres above the ground to test engines when the tragedy struck, Image: 522392962, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: social media / East2West News / Profimedia
social media / East2West News / Profimedia

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31. siječanj 2025 04:47