FOTO: ODAT ĆE POČAST HEROJIMA IZ SJENE 'Prvi izlaze na teren i pretražuju najopasnija područja. Ove medalje najmanje su što možemo učiniti za njih'

 Profimedia, Press Association

Umirovljena policajka Jean Pearce s grčem u želucu vratila se na tržnicu Borough Market, jednu od tri lokacije u Londonu, gdje su islamski ekstremisti 2017. godine izveli stravične terorističke napade u kojima je poginulo 11 ljudi, a stotinjak ih je ranjeno.

Gospođa Pearce na mjestu tragedije nije bila pune dvije godine, no sad je imala itekako dobar razlog za posjet spomenutoj tržnici, iako je uz nju i dalje vežu vrlo loše uspomene te negativne emocije.

Naime, sedam policijskih pasa, koji su sudjelovali u akcijama spašavanja poslije terorističkih napada, napokon će dobiti zaslužena priznanja za svoj rad - krajem ove godine nagradit će ih medaljama "PDSA Order of Merit", a među četveronožnim herojima iz sjene našla se i Kai, kujica s kojom je policajka Jean Pearce radila prije odlaska u mirovinu.

PD Kai, Explosive Detection Dog, with handler PC Jean Pearce receives the PDSA Order of Merit, for terror attack heroics. She is one of seven hero police dogs receiving an award for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422305874, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association
kujica Kai i Jean Pearce

PD Dave, Explosive Detection Dog, receives the PDSA Order of Merit, for terror attack heroics. He is one of seven hero police dogs receiving an award for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422306417, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association

PD Kai, Explosive Detection Dog, receives the PDSA Order of Merit, for terror attack heroics. She is one of seven hero police dogs receiving an award for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422306440, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association
kujica Kai

- Policija ne može opstati bez pasa. Presretna sam što će ove divne životinje napokon dobiti priznanje za odličan posao koji su odradile. Naravno, najponosnija sam na svoju Kai, koja je imala samo 18 mjeseci kad joj je dodijeljen prvi i vrlo težak zadatak. Iako je još bila štene, satima je 'čistila' teren od eksploziva te pokazala iznimnu predanost i hrabrost - izjavila je policajka Pearce, a prenosi Daily Mail.

- Policijski psi prvi izlaze na teren i pretražuju najopasnija područja... Mi ljudi tek poslije njih krećemo u akciju... Spasili su mnoge živote i ove medalje najmanje su što možemo učiniti za njih - dodao je policajac Mark Snoxhall, čiji je pas Delta također sudjelovao u opasnim akcijama u Londonu.

PD Delta, Firearms Support Dog, with handler PC Mark Snoxhall receives the PDSA Order of Merit, for terror attack heroics. He is one of seven hero police dogs receiving an award for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422305903, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association
Delta i Mark Snoxhall

PD Dave, Explosive Detection Dog, with handler PC Andy Salter receives the PDSA Order of Merit, for terror attack heroics. He is one of seven hero police dogs receiving an award for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422305932, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association
pas Dave i Andy Salter

(Left to right) PD Marci with handler PC Neil Billany, PD Kai with handler PC Jean Pearce, PD Delta with handler PC Mark Snoxhall, PD Bruno with handler Rob Smith, PD Dave with handler PC Andy Salter and PD Jax with handler PC Craig Howarth at Borough market in London where the dogs were honoured with the PDSA Order of Merit for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422305897, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association

PD Bruno, Explosive Search dog, with handler PC Rob Smith receives the PDSA Order of Merit, for terror attack heroics. He is one of seven hero police dogs receiving an award for helping emergency services during the 2017 London terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Borough Market., Image: 422305922, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association
pas Bruno i Rob Smith

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