FOTO: ODBJEGLA ZEBRA NAPRAVILA KAOS NA NJEMAČKOJ AUTOCESTI Nedužna životinja bježala je glavom bez obzira, na koncu su je ustrijelili

 Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia

Zebra koja je pobjegla iz cirkusa i izazvala prometnu nesreću na autoputu u Njemačkoj je usmrćena, priopćila je policija, a prenosi BBC u četvrtak.

Policija u sjevernome gradu Rostocku navodi da je životinja izazvala prometni kaos, oštetila automobile i prouzročila nesreću na autocesti A20 u srijedu prije nego što su je časnici ustrijelili.

A zebra runs across a road on October 2, 2019 in the village of Thelkow, north-eastern Germany, after the animal had broken out of a circus with a fellow animal nearby, and had caused an accident on the A20 motorway in the area. The other zebra had already been captured., Image: 474775028, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Germany OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Bernd WUESTNECK / AFP / Profimedia
Bernd WUESTNECK / AFP / Profimedia

Druga zebra koja je također pobjegla iz cirkusa je uhvaćena.

Nije poznato kako su životinje uspjele pobjeći iz cirkusa u sjevernoj Njemačkoj u utorak navečer.

A zebra stands on a meadow as a man with a tranquilizer gun tries to approach it on October 2, 2019 near the village of Thelkow, north-eastern Germany, after the animal had broken out of a circus with a fellow animal nearby, and had caused an accident on the A20 motorway in the area. The other zebra had already been captured., Image: 474778544, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Germany OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Bernd Wüstneck / AFP / Profimedia
Bernd Wüstneck / AFP / Profimedia

Policija je objavila upozorenje na Twitteru u srijedu ujutro da jedna od odbjeglih zebri ometa promet na A20 te da je izazvala nesreću.

"Životinja se kretala u krivom smjeru na autocesti iz Tessina za Rostock", kazala je glasnogovornica policije za Deutsche Welle.

A zebra walks next to a police car on the A20 motorway on October 2, 2019 near the village of Tessin, north-eastern Germany, after the animal had broken out of a circus with a fellow animal, and had caused an accident on in the area. The motorway had to be blocked for a while. The other zebra had already been captured., Image: 474782665, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Germany OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia
Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia

U kasnijoj objavi rečeno je da nitko nije ozlijeđen u sudaru koji se dogodio kada je jedan automobil naglo zakočio kako bi izbjegao zebru, a drugi se zaletio u njega.

A zebra walks next to a police car on the A20 motorway on October 2, 2019 near the village of Tessin, north-eastern Germany, after the animal had broken out of a circus with a fellow animal, and had caused an accident on in the area. The motorway had to be blocked for a while. The other zebra had already been captured., Image: 474782666, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Germany OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia
Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia

Životinja je oštetila vozila i izazvala privremeno zatvaranje autoceste.

Policajci i cirkuski krotitelj pokušali su je obuzdati i uhvatiti živu, ali nisu uspjeli.

Druga zebra je navodno vraćena u cirkus.

A zebra walks next to a police car on the A20 motorway on October 2, 2019 near the village of Tessin, north-eastern Germany, after the animal had broken out of a circus with a fellow animal, and had caused an accident on in the area. The motorway had to be blocked for a while. The other zebra had already been captured., Image: 474782667, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Germany OUT, Model Release: no, Credit line: Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia
Tilo WALLRODT / AFP / Profimedia

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18. veljača 2025 09:22