FOTO: 'TO JE MEDICINSKO ČUDO I POSTIGNUĆE SUVREMENE MEDICINE' Indijka sa 73 godine rodila blizanke i postala najstarija mama na svijetu

 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Žena iz Indije koja tvrdi da ima 73. godine, carskim rezom je rodila blizankinje, potvrdili su u petak liječnici i ocijenili da se radi o 'medicinskom čudu i postignuću suvremene medicine'.

Erramatti Mangayamma začela je umjetnom oplodnjom jer nakon 57 godina braka sa sada 80-godišnjim Sitharamom Rajaraom nikako nije mogla ostati trudna.

Tim od 10 liječnika je brinuo o trudnoći i porodu Indijke koja je, kako pokazuju službeni dokumenti, rođena 1. srpnja 1946. te je trenutno najstarija majka na svijetu.

n Andhra Pradesh woman created a world record by giving birth to twins at 74 years of age. She bore children 57 years after marriage.

The woman, Mangayamma, married Yerramatti Raja Rao on March 22, 1962. The couple failed to have children, leaving their dreams unfulfilled.

When their 55-year-old neighbour became pregnant through IVF, Mangayamma and her husband, Rao, visited the nursing home.

Dr Sanakkayala and Dr Umashankar at the Ahalya Nursing Home collected Raja Rao's sperm, and were successful in the fertilisation process.

Mangayamma was kept under the supervision of the doctors during the course of her pregnancy in the nursing home. Dr Umashankar performed a c-section surgery to deliver the twins on Thursday at 10:30 am.

Im feeling very happy. We have been in the hospital for nine months. After seeing the children today we have forgotten all our struggles. We will take care of both children, said Raja Rao.
05 Sep 2019, Image: 469273996, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Tim liječnika, medicinskih sestara i drugog osoblja s novopečenim roditeljima

"To je medicinsko čudo i postignuće suvremene medicine. Također, začeće in-vitro (IVF) ne ovisi samo o znanosti, važna je i milost božja", kazao je glavni liječnik Umashankar Sanakkayala.

n Andhra Pradesh woman created a world record by giving birth to twins at 74 years of age. She bore children 57 years after marriage.

The woman, Mangayamma, married Yerramatti Raja Rao on March 22, 1962. The couple failed to have children, leaving their dreams unfulfilled.

When their 55-year-old neighbour became pregnant through IVF, Mangayamma and her husband, Rao, visited the nursing home.

Dr Sanakkayala and Dr Umashankar at the Ahalya Nursing Home collected Raja Rao's sperm, and were successful in the fertilisation process.

Mangayamma was kept under the supervision of the doctors during the course of her pregnancy in the nursing home. Dr Umashankar performed a c-section surgery to deliver the twins on Thursday at 10:30 am.

Im feeling very happy. We have been in the hospital for nine months. After seeing the children today we have forgotten all our struggles. We will take care of both children, said Raja Rao.
05 Sep 2019, Image: 469274016, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Erramatti Mangayamma i Sitharama Rajarao

Dodao je da su majka i bebe dobro.

"Vrlo sam sretna. Bog je uslišao naše molitve", kazala je 73-godišnja majka.

n Andhra Pradesh woman created a world record by giving birth to twins at 74 years of age. She bore children 57 years after marriage.

The woman, Mangayamma, married Yerramatti Raja Rao on March 22, 1962. The couple failed to have children, leaving their dreams unfulfilled.

When their 55-year-old neighbour became pregnant through IVF, Mangayamma and her husband, Rao, visited the nursing home.

Dr Sanakkayala and Dr Umashankar at the Ahalya Nursing Home collected Raja Rao's sperm, and were successful in the fertilisation process.

Mangayamma was kept under the supervision of the doctors during the course of her pregnancy in the nursing home. Dr Umashankar performed a c-section surgery to deliver the twins on Thursday at 10:30 am.

Im feeling very happy. We have been in the hospital for nine months. After seeing the children today we have forgotten all our struggles. We will take care of both children, said Raja Rao.
05 Sep 2019, Image: 469274003, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Erramatti Mangayamma

Kako javljaju lokalni mediji, odlučila se na IVF nakon što je njezina susjeda rodila u 55. godini.

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31. siječanj 2025 01:36