FOTO, VIDEO: HOĆE LI NETKO PREPOZNATI OVU ŽENU? Potpuno gola satima tumarala ulicama velegrada, urlikala na prolaznike, pričala nerazumljiv...

 Jakchai Banyensakul

Građane i turiste koji su se danas zatekli na ulicama Bangkoka šokirao je prizor gole žene koja je potpuno dezorijentirano tumarala među prolaznicima - piše Daily Mail.

Žena plave kose, u srednjim 30-im godinama, uočena je u blizini popularnog turističkog punkta Khao Sana, ulice poznate po mnogim barovima, klubovima i restoranima u kojima turisti rado provode noći.

VIRAL PRESS - NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES AND VIDEO (Fee: 40 for 1st, 20 for 2nd, 15 for 3rd, 80 unlimited amount)
This is the bizarre moment a blonde female backpacker was found walking NAKED in the street.
Onlookers spotted the woman in her mid-30s without any clothes earlier this afternoon near popular tourist spot Khao San Road, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Police arrived and tried to talk to the woman but she ran away. They radioed colleagues who caught her on a bridge and handed her a sarong to cover herself up.
The woman was taken away to be questioned but police said they could not understand her. She was then taken to hospital for an examination.
Rescue worker Jakchai Banyensakul, who took the pictures and video, said: ëíThe woman was found in Khao San Road. It was very hot, and there are a lot of tourists there. Itís mainly foreign backpackers here so we think she is on a  travelling trip.
ëíShe wasnít making any sense. She will not say what happened to her and she refused to answer any questions in English and Thai.í'
The woman was found at around 2.30pm local time. She was taken in a van to the local Chana Songkhram police station.
A police spokesman said: ''The woman was found without any clothes. She was uncooperative and has not said anything. 
ë'She has been checked by nurses and there is no suspicion of any attack on her. She not complain about anything. We still donít know who she is and why she was running away from us. 
ëíWe will wait for her to settle down. We will have to wait for a couple of days and find out what is wrong with her. But as she has not done anything wrong she could be released shortly.''
Jakchai Banyensakul

Kad su joj policijski službenici isprva pokušali pristupiti, žena je pobjegla. Nedugo nakon toga pronašli su ju na obližnjem mostu i ogrnuli ju maramom, no nesretna žena nije bila voljna surađivati, a i sve što je govorila bilo je potpuno nerazumljivo.

VIRAL PRESS - NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES AND VIDEO (Fee: 40 for 1st, 20 for 2nd, 15 for 3rd, 80 unlimited amount)

This is the bizarre moment a blonde female backpacker was found walking NAKED in the street.

Onlookers spotted the woman in her mid-30s without any clothes earlier this afternoon near popular tourist spot Khao San Road, in Bangkok, Thailand.

Police arrived and tried to talk to the woman but she ran away. They radioed colleagues who caught her on a bridge and handed her a sarong to cover herself up.

The woman was taken away to be questioned but police said they could not understand her. She was then taken to hospital for an examination.

Rescue worker Jakchai Banyensakul, who took the pictures and video, said: The woman was found in Khao San Road. It was very hot, and there are a lot of tourists there. Its mainly foreign backpackers here so we think she is on a  travelling trip.

She wasnt making any sense. She will not say what happened to her and she refused to answer any questions in English and Thai.'

The woman was found at around 2.30pm local time. She was taken in a van to the local Chana Songkhram police station.

A police spokesman said: ''The woman was found without any clothes. She was uncooperative and has not said anything. 

'She has been checked by nurses and there is no suspicion of any attack on her. She not complain about anything. We still dont know who she is and why she was running away from us. 

We will wait for her to settle down. We will have to wait for a couple of days and find out what is wrong with her. But as she has not done anything wrong she could be released shortly.''
Jakchai Banyensakul

- Temperature su danas vrlo visoke, ulice su pune turista i velika je gužva. Vjerujemo kako je ona također turistkinja, no ne znamo što joj se dogodilo. Nije bila u stanju razgovarati s nama i odbijala je odgovarati na pitanja koja smo joj postavljali na engleskom jeziku - izjavio je Jakchai Banyensakul, čovjek koji se našao na licu mjesta i pokušao joj pomoći.

- Policajac ju je upitao kako joj je ime i od kuda dolazi, no ni te odgovore nismo dobili - dodao je Banyensakul.

Nakon policijskog ispitivanja koje, sukladno ženinom stanju, nije urodilo plodom, policija ju je smjestila u bolnicu na liječničke pretrage koje bi trebale utvrditi njezino stanje, ali i donijeti nove informacije.

Prema dosad dostupnim informacijama ne postoji sumnja da je fizički napadnuta prije no što je počela gola tumarati ulicama.

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16. veljača 2025 19:47