TREĆU NOĆ ZAREDOM NEZAPAMĆENI NEMIRI DILJEM SAD-a Prosvjednici zapalili policijsku postaju, razbijali izloge, uništavali aute, došlo je i do pucnjave

Neredi u Minneapolisu

Guverner Minnesote aktivirao je Nacionalnu gardu u četvrtak kako bi pomogao policiji uspostaviti red nakon nasilnih prosvjeda u gradu Minneapolisu zbog smrti crnca koji je ostao bez daha dok mu je bjelački policajac koljenom prikliještio grlo.

Guverner Tim Walz naredio je pripadnicima garde da pomognu policiji dok lokalne, državne i savezne snage za provedbu zakona nastoje smiriti međurasne napetosti izazvane fatalnim uhićenjem Georgea Floyda (46).

Tijekom dana Nacionalna garda savezne države Minnesote potvrdila je da je 500 njihovih pripadnika aktivirano i da kreću za Minneapolis i St. Paul.

Četvorica gradskih policajaca umiješana u incident, uključujući policajca koji je prikliještio Floydov vrat dok je ležao na zemlji i jecao "molim vas, ne mogu disati" otpuštena su sljedeći dan.

Floydov slučaj javnost je podsjetio na ubojstvo Erica Garnera, nenaoružana crnca u gradu New Yorku 2014. kojemu je policajac zabranjenim zahvatom stisnuo grlo te ga se moglo čuti kako vapi: "Ne mogu disati".

Njegove riječi postale su poruka pokreta Black Lives Matter osnovanog u jeku policijskih ubojstava Afroamerikanaca.

A protester pours vodka into the mouth of another in front of a liquor store in flames on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 in a third day of demonstrations as the so-called Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul seethed over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. The precinct, which police had abandoned, burned after a group of protesters pushed through barriers around the building, breaking windows and chanting slogans. A much larger crowd demonstrated as the building went up in flames. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)

Prosvjedi treću noć zaredom

Prosvjednici su ispunili ulice Minneapolisa treći dan zaredom uzvikujući "Ne mogu disati". Dan je počeo mirnim prosvjedima pred vladinim centrom okruga Hennepina i središtem grada. Prosvjednici traže da četvorica policajaca budu odmah uhićena.

Protesters gather around a liquor store in flames near the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 in a third day of demonstrations as the so-called Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul seethed over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. The precinct, which police had abandoned, burned after a group of protesters pushed through barriers around the building, breaking windows and chanting slogans. A much larger crowd demonstrated as the building went up in flames. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)

Osim toga stotine prosvjednika okružile su policijsku postaju i supermarket Target, poprišta sukoba u srijedu navečer između prosvjednika koji su bacali kamenje i interventne policije koja je ispaljivala suzavac i gumene metke.

Protesters throw objects onto a burning car outside a Target store near the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a demonstration over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - Authorities in Minneapolis and its sister city St. Paul got reinforcements from the National Guard on May 28 as they girded for fresh protests and violence over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. Three days after a policeman was filmed holding his knee to George Floyd's neck for more than five minutes until he went limp, outrage continued to spread over the latest example of police mistreatment of African Americans. (Photo by kerem yucel / AFP)

Na parkiralištu Targeta zapaljen je automobil, a pljačkaši su povremeno upadali u praznu trgovinu da uzmu ako je što preostalo. Oba skupa počela su uz slabo policijsko osiguranje te bez Nacionalne garde.

People assist an injured man during a protest outside the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, over the death of  George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - Authorities in Minneapolis and its sister city St. Paul got reinforcements from the National Guard on May 28 as they girded for fresh protests and violence over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. Three days after a policeman was filmed holding his knee to George Floyd's neck for more than five minutes until he went limp, outrage continued to spread over the latest example of police mistreatment of African Americans. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)

Kako je dan odmicao, tako su i neredi na ulicama gradova diljem SAD-a postajali sve intenzivniji i razorniji, a vrhunac nemira dogodio se u večernjim satima. Tako su oko 22.30 sati po lokalnom vremenu huligani zapalili policijsku postaju u Minneapolisu. Policija je pokušala ogradom spriječiti prosvjednike da provale do zgrade, no ona je razbijena pa su se tisuće nezadovoljnika probile do stanice pritom je zapalivši.

Screen capture of the riots in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by a police officer. May 28, 2020, Minneapolis, United States.
Capture d ecran des emeutes a Minneapolis suite a la mort de George Floyd, un homme noir tue par un officier de police. 28 mai 2020, Minneapolis, USA.
Hans Lucas via AFP

Policija u St. Paulu kaže da je u neredima uništeno ili oštećeno više od 170 poslovnih prostora.

Situacija je eskalirala i u Louisvilleu, u saveznoj državi Kentucky, gdje je tijekom prosvjeda došlo do pucnjave, a nekoliko je osoba ranjeno.

Prosvjedovalo se i u New Yorku, Denveru, Phoenixu, Memphisu i brojnim drugim američkim gradovima.

Trump napao gradonačelnika

Izvanredno stanje na uicama ameirčkih gradova komentirao je i predsjednik Donald Trump.

- Kada pljačka započne, počinje i pucnjava, zaprijetio je Trump na Twitteru i ponovno dobio upozorenje od te društvene mreže zbog kršenja pravila.

Twitter kaže kako je Trump ovim tvitom prekršio pravila o veličanju nasilja. Ipak, Twitter je tvit ostavio vidljivim jer smatra da je to u javnom interesu.

Trump je nadalje kritizirao gradonačelnika Minneapolisa Jacoba Freya kao "vrlo slabog", dodajući da mu potpuno nedostaje liderstvo.

- Te propalice ponižavaju sjećanje na Georgea Floyda i ja neću dopustiti da se to dogodi. Upravo sam razgovarao s guvernerom Walzom i rekao sam mu da je vojska uz njega. Ako će biti problema, mi ćemo preuzeti kontrolu, poručio je Trump.

Protesters hold up their fists as flames rise behind them in front of the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 in a third day of demonstrations as the so-called Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul seethed over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. The precinct, which police had abandoned, burned after a group of protesters pushed through barriers around the building, breaking windows and chanting slogans. A much larger crowd demonstrated as the building went up in flames. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)

Nije trebalo dugo da gradonačelnik Minneapolisa odgovori Trumpu.

- Slabost odbija preuzeti odgovornost za svoje postupke. Slabost upire prstom u nekog drugog za vrijeme krize. Donald Trump ne zna ništa o snazi Minneapolisa. Pakleno smo jaki. Je li ovo težak period? Da. Ali budite prokleto sigurni da ćemo ga prebroditi, ustvrdio je 38-godišnji Frey.

Protesters gather in the streeet near the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 in a third day of demonstrations as the so-called Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul seethed over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. The precinct, which police had abandoned, burned after a group of protesters pushed through barriers around the building, breaking windows and chanting slogans. A much larger crowd demonstrated as the building went up in flames. (Photo by kerem yucel / AFP)

Isprika šefa policije

Na jutarnjem brifingu policijski zapovjednik Medaria Arradondo ispričao se Floydovoj obitelji te priznao da je policija pridonijela "nedostatku nade" u minesotskome najvećem gradu.

Ministarstvo pravosuđa reklo je u četvrtak da je istraga policijske umiješanosti u Floydovu smrt "najviši prioritet."

A man walks past a liquor store in flames near the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 in a third day of demonstrations as the so-called Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul seethed over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. The precinct, which police had abandoned, burned after a group of protesters pushed through barriers around the building, breaking windows and chanting slogans. A much larger crowd demonstrated as the building went up in flames. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)

Brat žrtve, Philonise Floyd, rekao je CNN-u u četvrtak da je umoran od toga da "gleda kako crni čovjek umire." Rekao je da razumije bijes ljudi, no apelirao je na prosvjednike da ostanu mirni.

Peticiju na stranici koja poziva vlasti da uhite i osude četvoricu policajaca potpisalo je do četvrtka ujutro više od 1.1 milijuna ljudi.

Protesters try to break into the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - Authorities in Minneapolis and its sister city St. Paul got reinforcements from the National Guard on May 28 as they girded for fresh protests and violence over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. Three days after a policeman was filmed holding his knee to George Floyd's neck for more than five minutes until he went limp, outrage continued to spread over the latest example of police mistreatment of African Americans. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)

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07. veljača 2025 15:55