VIDEO: KAOS U MINNEAPOLISU, ULICE U PLAMENU Nakon što je policija tijekom uhićenja ubila crnca, grad su preplavili prosvjedi koji su ubrzo eskalirali

 kerem yucel / AFP

Druge večeri zaredom prosvjednici su se u srijedu navečer okupili u američkom gradu Minneapolisu, nakon incidenta u kojem je uhićeni crnac preminuo tijekom nasilnog uhićenja, što je izazvao bijes i pozive na pravdu, a zatim i pljačke i sukobe prosvjednika s policijom tijekom noći.

Šef policije tog grada na sjeveru Sjedinjenih Država tražio je od prosvjednika da ostanu mirni, ali su tijekom noći izbili sukobi u kojima su prosvjednici zapalili trgovinu automobilskih dijelova i opljačkali drugu trgovinu u blizini policijske postaje u kojoj su radili policajci koji su sudjelovali u uhićenju Georgea Floyda koje je završilo njegovom smrću, a koji su nakon incidenta otpušteni.

A man burns an upsidedown US flag as protesters gather in downtown Los Angeles on May 27, 2020 to demonstrate after George Floyd, an unarmed black man, died while being arrested by a police officer in Minneapolis who pinned him to the ground with his knee. - Outrage has grown across the country at Floyd's death on May 25, fuelled in part by bystander cellphone video which shows him, handcuffed and in the custody of four white police officers, on the ground while one presses his knee into the victim's neck. (Photo by Agustin PAULLIER / AFP)

Policija je ispalila suzavac i formirala ljudski štit kako bi spriječila prosvjednike da probiju ogradu oko policijske postaje.

Snage reda sukobile su se s masom okupljenih drugog dana prosvjeda, a dan ranije, u utorak navečer, razbijeni su prozori policijske postaje, a policija je također bila prisiljena upotrijebiti suzavac i gumenim mecima.

Protesters clash with police during a demonstration over the killing of George Floyd by a policeman outside the Third Police Precinct on May 27, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. - Demonstrators gathered on May 27 for a second night of protests over the killing in the US city of Minneapolis of a handcuffed black man by a policeman who held him to the ground with a knee on his neck. As dusk fell, police formed a human barricade around the Third Precinct, where the officers accused of killing George Floyd worked before they were fired on Tuesday. (Photo by kerem yucel / AFP)
kerem yucel / AFP

Obitelj Afroamerikanca Georgea Floyda, (46), koji je umro nakon brutalnog uhićenja, o čemu viralan video kruži internetom, tražili su u srijedu da policajci koji su sudjelovali u njegovom uhićenju budu optuženi za ubojstvo. Oni su u međuvremenu otpušteni s posla.

Njegova sestra Bridgett Floyd je izjavila na kanalu NBC da su joj ubili brata. "Vjerujem i nadam se ostvarenju pravde", izjavila je i dodala da njihovo otpuštanje "nije dovoljno".

Protestors hold their hands up as they cry from from tear gas during a demonstration in a call for justice for George Floyd following his death, outside the 3rd Police Precinct on May 27, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. - The family of an African American man killed by Minneapolis police while handcuffed in custody demanded Wednesday that the officers be charged with murder. After a night of angry protests over the death of George Floyd, with law enforcement firing tear gas and rubber bullets in the northern US city, his sister Bridgett Floyd demanded the arrest of the four white police officers involved in his death. (Photo by Kerem Yucel / AFP)
Kerem Yucel / AFP

Četvorica policajaca koja su sudjelovala u Floydovom uhićenju otpuštena su u utorak, ali su na slobodi nakon pokretanja istrage.

Gradonačelnik Minneapolisa, Jacob Frey, zapitao se u srijedu "zašto osoba koja je ubila Georga Floyda nije u zatvoru".

People assist and injured and bleeding man during clashes with police at a demonstration over the killing of George Floyd by a policeman outside the Third Police Precinct on May 27, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. - Demonstrators gathered on May 27 for a second night of protests over the killing in the US city of Minneapolis of a handcuffed black man by a policeman who held him to the ground with a knee on his neck. As dusk fell, police formed a human barricade around the Third Precinct, where the officers accused of killing George Floyd worked before they were fired on Tuesday. (Photo by kerem yucel / AFP)
kerem yucel / AFP

Predsjednik Donald Trump je napisao na Twitteru da je tražio od FBI-a objašnjenje te "tužne i tragične smrti".

Video snimka prilikom uhićenja pokazuje kako uhićeni muškarac govori policajcu koji ga stišće "da ne može disati", na što mu policajac uzvraća da ostane miran.

Brojne osobe iz javnog života osudile su neopravdano pribjegavanje nasilju prema crncima.

Crna senatorica Kamala Harris, bivša tužiteljica Kalifornije, osudila je "akt mučenja" i "javnu egzekuciju" u društvu koje je obilježeno rasizmom.

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11. ožujak 2025 19:02