ZVALI SU GA ŠVICARSKI STROJ Na Mt. Everestu poginuo jedan od najpoznatijih svjetskih alpinista: Pred očima kolega se poskliznuo i pao u provaliju

 Navesh Chitrakar/REUTERS (krug) / Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Švicarski alpinist Ueli Steck poginuo je na Mount Everestu, nakon pada u podnožju vrha Nuptse, potvrdili su iz turističkog ureda u Nepalu. Nesreća se dogodila dok se pokušavao aklimatizirati za novu rutu hodanja bez zaliha kisika u boci, piše BBC.

Poznat pod nadimkom ‘Švicarski stroj’, 40-godišnji avanturist osvojio je niz nagrada i bio je poznat po brzim usponima. Njegovo je beživotno tijelo helikopterom prebačeno u Katmandu.

Steck se navodno sam penjao prema Logoru 2, kada se poskliznuo i pao, ali su ga vidjela dva druga alpinista.

U srijedu je Steck na svojoj stranici na Facebooku napisao da je imao ‘brzi dan od glavnog kampa do 7.000 metara visine i natrag’ jer je smatrao da je ‘aktivna aklimatizacija najučinkovitiji način privikavanja na visinu’.

FRANCE - UNDATED: World class alpine climber, Ueli Steck scaling the Gilat route of Droite Mountain in the French Alps.
With just an ice-axe in his hands and crampons on his feet this fearless climber faces death with each strike of the axe as he scales a 4,000ft icy rock face with NO ropes to catch him. The spectacular pictures were captured by a British extreme photographer in a helicopter at 13,000ft.  The stomach churning footage shows world-class mountaineer, Ueli Steck, 35, from Ringgenberg, Switzerland smashing the record for scaling the north face of the Grandes Jorasses - part of Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc. Ueli was was facing certain death in these Alpine mountains if he lost concentration for just a moment - yet he was able to scale the sheer face made up of compacted ice and rock in just two hours and 21 minutes. The technique, called free solo climbing, is reserved at this altitude for just a select handful of elite alpine climbers who have the ability and nerves of steel to face this kind of risk. The incredible pictures also shows Ueli tackling the Ginat route of the Droites mountain, also in the French Alps where at two hours and eight minutes he gained the quickest time for his speed ascent of this 3,200 foot long route. Extreme photographer, Jonathan Griffith, 28, from London, needed a great deal of skill to navigate the mountain AND keep up with his subject. He found himself having to climb the mountain himself - as well as handle a shoot in freezing conditions by hanging out of a flying helicopter., Image: 97139859, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Ueli Steck u francuskim Alapama

Ovaj alpinist koji je pomicao granice, dosegao je vrh Mount Everesta bez kisika 2012., a 2015. se popeo na 82 vrha viša od 4.000 metara u 62 dana.

Ueli Steck je postavio nove standarde alpinizma zahvaljujući nizu rekorda koje je postavio na klasičnim rutama. Osim toga, odigrao je važnu ulogu privlačeći mlade ljude kroz fantastične filmove koje je snimio na svojim putovanjima.

FRANCE - UNDATED: World class alpine climber, Ueli Steck scaling the Gilat route of Droite Mountain in the French Alps.
With just an ice-axe in his hands and crampons on his feet this fearless climber faces death with each strike of the axe as he scales a 4,000ft icy rock face with NO ropes to catch him. The spectacular pictures were captured by a British extreme photographer in a helicopter at 13,000ft.  The stomach churning footage shows world-class mountaineer, Ueli Steck, 35, from Ringgenberg, Switzerland smashing the record for scaling the north face of the Grandes Jorasses - part of Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc. Ueli was was facing certain death in these Alpine mountains if he lost concentration for just a moment - yet he was able to scale the sheer face made up of compacted ice and rock in just two hours and 21 minutes. The technique, called free solo climbing, is reserved at this altitude for just a select handful of elite alpine climbers who have the ability and nerves of steel to face this kind of risk. The incredible pictures also shows Ueli tackling the Ginat route of the Droites mountain, also in the French Alps where at two hours and eight minutes he gained the quickest time for his speed ascent of this 3,200 foot long route. Extreme photographer, Jonathan Griffith, 28, from London, needed a great deal of skill to navigate the mountain AND keep up with his subject. He found himself having to climb the mountain himself - as well as handle a shoot in freezing conditions by hanging out of a flying helicopter., Image: 97139417, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Ueli Steck u francuskim Alapama

Nadimak Švicarska mašina zaslužio je jer je gurao sam sebe preko granica ljudske izdržljivosti. Prije dvije godine dosegao je vrh Eigera u Alpama za samo dva sata i 47 minuta dok su pionirima alpinizma nekad trebali dani za takav uspon.

Stotine penjača u ovo doba godine nalazi se u baznom kampu Mount Everesta pripremajući se na uspon na najviši vrh svijeta, na 8850 metara.

Dosad se na Mount Everest popelo više od 5.000 penjača. Prošle godine to ih je izvelo njih 645 što je rekordni broj dosad za jednu sezonu.

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19. siječanj 2025 12:12